Chapter 22

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Jeff ushered me to the passenger side of the car and I got in. I buckled myself up as he closed the door and went over to the drivers side.

Soon enough, we were off to an unknown destination. I wonder where he is taking me?
We had the air conditioner blasting because it was extremely hot.

"I didn't know you could drive." I stayed as Jeff made a left turn.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have a license but I know how to operate a vehicle." He smiled.

He was in his human form while we were driving, just in case someone decided to look for a little too long.

"So... where are we going?" I smiled innocently. He shook his head. "Not telling you." He said simply.

I frowned. "Jeff please tell meeee." I whinned as I grabbed a hold of his arm. "Kit." He said. "Yeah?" I replied.

"No." He stated. I scowled and looked out the window. We passed by dozens and dozens of trees. "Are we there yet?" I bugged him.

"No, you will know when we get there. Take a nap, I'm sure by the time you wake up we will be there." He told me as he gently caressed my thigh. I nodded my head and closed my eyes.


I had woken up and looked at the time on the dash. It was 4 am. My eyes went wide as I looked at Jeff, who was still driving. "We've been driving for 11 hours?" I gasped.

"Yeah, only 2 more to go." He smiled. I sighed and groaned. "I'm hungry." I whinned again. Jeff glanced at me with a grin. "We will get off at the next food stop." He told me.

"And how long will that be?" I puffed. "Like 2 minutes." He stated. I frowned. 2 minutes was a long time for me. I sat as quiet and as still as I could for those 2 minutes.

When McDonald's was in my sights I squealled. "MCDONALD'S!!" I screamed and grabbed Jeff's arm violently. He ended up swerving to the left then the right.

"Yes Kit, McDonald's. Now calm down before you get us killed." He breathed tensely. "Hehe sorry." I giggled. I was bouncing up and down in my seat. I was soooo hungry.

I jumped out of the car before Jeff even had it in park. He shook his head and quickly came after me. "Slow down princess." He called. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him. I was so impaitent.

He slipped his hand into mine and then we walked into Mcdonald's together. Jeff ordered his food and I ordered mine. I got a large smoothie and sat down in a booth. I waited for Jeff to pay and for him to bring me food. I slurpped on my smoothie and kicked my legs like a satisfied little kid.

Eventually Jeff came to the booth with our food. I smiled and grabbed my food. I ate quickly as Jeff sat there quietly. He was looking out the window, seeming a little gloomy.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a concerned voice. I swallowed the hunk of food that was in my mouth and gently rested my hand on his. "Nothing princess, I'm just really tired." He gave me a small smile.

"Are you sure?" I questioned. He nodded his head. "Why don't you rest then? We can find a motel." I told him. He shook his head. "We are almost there. Just a couple more hours." He sighed.

I frowned. He was doing this for me and it hurt me to see him so exhausted. "Well we better get going so I can sleep when we get there." He gave me a gentle smile as he picked up my hand and gently lifted me out of the seat. "Do you need to use the washroom?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"You haven't even touched your food." I pointed out. He let go of my hand and went up to the counter. He came back with a paper bag and put his food in it.

"I'll eat it on the road. Let's go." He grabbed my hand once again and led me out of Mcdonald's. We got back into the car and we were on the road again.

After about 10 minutes, I really had to use the washroom. I didn'tsay anything to Jeff because he did ask me if I had to go before we left. I sat silently in my seat, squirming around.

"Is something wrong?" Jeff asked me, noticing my uncomfortable squirm. I shook my head, biting my lip. He hit a bump on the road and i squeezed my eyes shut.

He quickly pulled the car over. "What is wrong? Does your stomach hurt? Are you gonna throw up?" Jeff fired questions at me.

"I gotta..." I whimpered. "What is it?" He asked, concerned. "Pee...." I whispered. His mouth went into a flat line. "Didn't I tell you-?" He started but I cut him off.

"Yes you did but I need to go NOW!" I squeaked. "Okay, okay just hold on." He told me as he went back on the road and searched for the nearest bathroom. As soon as he found one, he pulled over and I jumped right out of the car. I rushed to the bathroom, leaving Jeff behind in the car.

Once I was done I went back to the car with a smile on my face. "Okay I'm good." I said as I reclined in my seat. Jeff shook his head and we were off again.


"We are finally here." Jeff breathed a sigh of relief. I was relieved too because I don't know how much longer I can last sitting in a car. I looked at where Jeff was pointing and I saw a beautiful manision on the side of the ocean. My mouth fell open as I stared at it.

 My mouth fell open as I stared at it

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"Jeff..." I whispered. "Yes princess?" He questioned. "Where the hell are we?" I asked. He chuckled. "Welcome to the Wood's Mansion." He said.

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