Never again.

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Ann's P.O.V.

5 days.

5 days of Dylan's death.

Since that day I've been crying my eyes out, I barely get any sleep. And by any sleep, I mean when Harry comes to my room and holds me til I fall asleep for 2h tops.

Niall tried talking to me once or twice but I don't want to.

There was a soft knock on my door.

"Ann?" familiar voice with Bradford accent said from the other side. When I didn't answer he knocked again. "Ann, let me in." Nothing. "Okay, I'm coming in." He said and before I knew it, the door knob turned and Zayn walked in. He saw my tear strained face and sat on the bed, pulling me into a bear hug.

I burried my face into his chest, trying to stop the tears threatening to fall.

He kissed my forehead, pulling me on his lap so now I was straddling him.

My tears came pouring like October's rain. Well I tried..

"Shh" he tried to calm me down.


"Zayn?" I tried making my voice higher but couldn't. He kissed my head as to tell me he's listening to what I have to say. "I can't do this."

3th person's P.O.V.

Zany shut his eyes closed. It hurts him to look at Ann like this, she's been an emotional wreck for the past couple of days and not just because of Dylan.

Ann on the other hand is just scarred to go. She knows that the second she walks out of Harry's car she has to face reality and send Dylan on his way, away from her.

And she can't do this.

Zayn tightened his grip around the girl in his arms. He knew she can't go to the funeral. She's just not ready, not yet.

"It's for the best, Ann." was the only thing he could think of right now.

Ann shook her head. "No, it's not!" She whisper-yelled and started sobbing.

Suddenly Zayn came up with something that could help Ann.

While those two worked on helping the girl out, Harry was composing himself. He and Dylan pretty much hated each other but Harry never wanted something like this to happen.

He also knows what Dylan meant for Ann and now that he's gone, who knows whats gonna happen with her.

Harry let Zayn take care of her before the funeral because Zayn, himself, wanted to.


Everyone were getting ready, knowing that they gotta leave in 15min.

Ann was sitting on the staircase, her beautiful black dress lying in her hands. From the boys, Niall came out of his room first.

He had black tux on with white shirt and black tie. The whole thing suited him, you gotta admit.

As he walked down the stairs, he saw the fragile form of his ex girlfriend.

Those last 5 days have been Hell for him.

Not having to hold Ann in his arms and knowing that the pain she feels now is partly his fault.

THAT'S what's killing him inside.


I'm writing this from my phone so if you see somewhere 'Zany' or 'Nial' blame my damn autocorrect.


Love you! < 33

- Diana x

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