Power from Within

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They moved a week after Aizawa returned.

Shoto had nothing, all his clothes and luggage had been lost in his mad scramble to escape the city so he had been borrowing extra clothes belonging to the other three boys in the house. He stood by the door with Aizawa who looked impatient.

"Come on, time is of the essence," Aizawa mumbled.

"We're here!" Izuku cried running down the hall and emerging. He had a dark green hoody on over his hair, dark sunglasses, jeans, and a black backpack. 

"Sorry, took forever to find the plug to Izu's laptop," Hitoshi sighed walking up beside Izuku. He was dressed similarly to Izuku; sunglasses, black backpack, and a black hoody.

"Damn extras always take to long," Katsuki growled shoving past them. He had a baseball cap on over his spiked hair and had stuffed his hands into his grey sweatshirt pockets. He too had a black backpack on.

Shoto realized that they were dressed to disappear, dark clothes that were unrecognizable. No logos, no bright colors. The students had not only been able to fit everything they owned into a small backpack but were dressed to fade away; this was their normal.

Shoto looked down at his red T-shirt and jeans and felt rather out of place. Even Aizawa had a black hoodie, black pants, and a baseball cap on - he had even pulled his hair back.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Aizawa sighed. He pushed the door open and they walked out. Shoto took a deep breath before following; this was his life now, his life to train to be a villain.


"Stop," Aizawa ordered walking up to Katsuki and Shoto who had been sparing. Katsuki ceased his attack and looked up, Shoto shakily got to his feet and looked at Aizawa. The fights, especially with Katsuki, were very demanding. Katsuki didn't hesitate to go for his defenseless right side.

"Bakugo, that attack was messy and sloppy. It was clear what you were planning to do and far to easy to avoid. Go spar with Shinso without quirks," Aizawa ordered.

Instead of objecting Katsuki shrugged, threw out a curse word, and trudged up to Hitoshi who was shadow sparring.

Aizawa walked up to Shoto and looked down at him.

They were outside, in their backyard which was actually a forest, a new safe house behind them. They had been there for three days and Shoto had been pushed, though not as his father had pushed him in training. Shoto was used to the physical strain but Aizawa also worked on mental training; surprise attack, tactics, predictions, it was draining... and cup-o-noodles were getting old.

"Todoroki, are we a joke to you?" Aizawa asked coldly.

"What, no," Shoto objected standing up.

"You're only using half of your power," Aizawa stated. "Do you think that we aren't worth your full capability?"

"No - " Shoto said his voice catching, he had been afraid of this. "That's not it," he stated.

"Then what is?" Aizawa ordered, knowing full well why.

"I don't see why it's your business," Shoto claimed, suddenly aggressive.

Aizawa looked down at him, scoffed, and walked away. "You'll spar Midoriya now." That was all the teacher said.

Shoto looked towards where Izuku was punching a dummy and warily walked up.

He had no idea about Izuku. No clue on his quirk, no clue about who he was. He had seen the other two's quirks in action, but never Izuku's.

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