There will be no Future

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"Do you understand why this boy is so important, Tomura?" All for One asked softly looking to the picture of the green-haired boy.

"Yeah, the brat's All Might's successor," Tomura nodded, "That's how he beat the nomu a few months ago."

"Yes, and so, if he is brought to me... " All for One murmured.

"The rebellion has no future, the villains are done for," Tomura chuckled.

They were in the tall skyscraper in the capital city, sitting in a windowless room and planning their next attack.

"Eraserhead is our main target right now," All for One explained, looking at the planning board, "Where he is... the boy will be."

"We take Eraserhead's safehouse, kill some brats and bring the rest to you," Tomura reiterated exasperatedly. "Now can we go?"

All for One sat for a moment, his face curled into a smile and his eyes sparkled with intensity, "Yes... go on your search. Attempt it again."

"I won't fail you, master," Tomura assured the man.

"Fail as many times as you want," All for One smiled, his smile kind but his eyes empty. "I'll always be here to help you try again."

Tomura smiled gratefully and then stood up and walked out of the room. All for One allowed himself a small chuckle. 

This was entertainment at its best!

"Sir," one of his guards announced from the doorway.

"Yes?" All for One asked.

"The execution has started sir, would you like to watch?" the guard asked.

"What channel?" All for One asked picking up his controlled and turning on the large-screen T.V in the room.

"Fifteen, sir," the guard answered. All for One turned to the channel and leaned back in his chair as the sounds of screams and nomu roars rang out from the speakers. A smile slid onto his face.

Maybe not entertainment at its best. Nothing really could beat a good execution.


"Okay, who the HELL ate all the lasagna noodles!?" Katsuki roared from the kitchen.

Everyone looked to Denki who was lounging on the couch, looking at his phone.

"WHAT! It wasn't me this time!" Denki cried.

"That's what you said about the angel hair noodles," Mina murmured setting up a pillow fort with Momo, Asui, and Jirou.

"That was a dare," Denki defended.

"I think I used them all up for my manly lasagna last week!" Eijiro yelled.

"DAMMIT!" Katsuki yelled.

"What do we feel like tonight?" Ochaco asked running into the room, holding up two movies, "Attack of the stars? or... Bubbles in Paradise?" 

"Stupid question, we're watching Bloodbath 2!" Katsuki yelled angrily stuffing pasta noddles into a pot.

"NO! We're not allowed to watch anything rated R Bakugo, you know this!" Tenya scolded.

"Let's watch Quirky Couples!" Mina squealed releasing a portion of the pillow fort causing it to collapse.

"Kero," Asui croaked sadly looking at the collapsed fort.

"Let's try again," Jirou sighed putting up the pillow fort once more.

"How about a classic," Denki offered, "Avengers Endgame."

"Nooooo, let's watch - " Minoru offered.

"Dark Souls; redemption," Fumikage offered darkly.

"Nuuuuu," Mina whined.

"I'm game for anything," Hanta shrugged.

"Same here," Mezo agreed.

Little did the kids know of the danger that lurked just outside their house.


Aizawa was on the phone line with Class B's instructor, Vlad King.

The two classes had interacted... once... it didn't go well.

A student named Monoma had started a fight with Bakugo in public and... well... it didn't go well. The two instructors still communicated even though they had forsaken the idea of combining their classes.

"So, nothing?" Aizawa asked.

"It's all peaceful here," Vlad King agreed over the phone line, "They're fighting over which Dance Dance Revolution game to play."

Aizawa listened as Momo and Tenya got into a complicated debate over which movie was more educational, "Yup," Aizawa sighed, "Mine are doing something similar."

"You see the news story today, the one on All Might?" Vlad King asked.

"And how he saved those thousands of people on that run-away train?" Aizawa asked thinking of his colleague that was thousands of miles away running from the law.

"I think you mean how he 'caused a train derailment'," Vlad king scoffed.

"No free press, those guys can't control what they write," Aizawa murmured.

"Hold on..." Vlad King's voice suddenly became tight.

"What?" Aizawa asked sitting up.

"I thought I just saw..." Vlad King murmured. 

Suddenly the phone went dead. Aizawa's eyes went wide as he looked at the phone, "Vlad!?"

Then an explosion rocked the building, and it wasn't one of Katsuki's.


"How pitiful," Tomura laughed watching as the building collapsed, "So unprepared."

"Indeed," Kurogiri agreed slowly.

"Well, let's go see who survived that," Tomura laughed.

(The plot is cheap, I'm sorry. This AU doesn't have too much room for villain development and I'd much rather write cheap plot and fun fluff. Maybe I'll fix it later on but for now, I hope it's not too repetitive and boring.

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night)

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