Chapter Eight - Persephone

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My eyes flutter open just like any other morning. The drapes are pulled back providing me with a view of the stars that are still visible, not for long though. Soon they will have their time to sleep. Tossing back the blankets I climb from my bed and get ready much like each day before. I tiptoe out the door and breath in the morning air as I take the path to the meadow. The sky takes on a multitude of colors as I do. Everything else may seem the same but this... the sky is always different. It's never the same portrait no matter how many times I see it.

I reach the meadow as it takes on a dusky appearance, a pinkish hue blanketing the world, not quite daylight yet.

As the sun continues its ascent to its place in the sky I stroll around the tree line grazing my fingers along the bark allowing a tiny piece of my energy to seep within the rough surface. The bark prickling at my fingertips generously accepts what I am freely giving. They don't need as much as the flowers and soil, but I don't want to ignore the peaceful giants even though they can thrive on their own.

I twirl facing the meadow once I have made my way around. I still. Silver eyes watch me from the other side of the clearing. Swallowing I fold my hands in front of me unsure of what to do. Neither of us saying anything. Intimidation runs rampant over my skin as his eyes penetrate me. His demeanor much like the first time I saw him. His face revealing no emotions, just blank. I let go of a shaky breath and raise a hand.

"Hello," I say waving my hand in small movements. I avert my eyes looking down at the grass beneath my feet. A breeze caresses my face blowing my hair back from my face. A shadow creeps into my line of sight causing me to look up.

I jump, a small yelp escaping my lips.

Hades is now directly in front of me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he says his deep voice soothing the fear that sent my heart flying.

"How... uh... how..." I stutter unable to form the words I need.

Hades places his hand in his pants pockets dropping his eyes to his feet. "Again, my apologies, I forget to be mindful about my movements. Beings on this plane don't have the speed my siblings and I possess."

"My mother can move like that?" I ask my voice rising in shock. I never experienced it, besides her abilities that are similar to mine I thought her to be as normal as me.

"Yes," he replies, short and simple.

He doesn't elaborate, his gaze now locked with mine we stare at each other. The eyes that haunted my dreams last night now so close. I don't know how to explain them. His irises seem to move whereas humans are stationary. They resemble smoke, floating along with a breeze. My mind didn't capture the details of them and now that they are up close, I am captivated. But it isn't just his eyes, it is him. There is something about him calls to me.

"Are you here to see Mother?" I ask gathering myself and pushing through my thoughts.

"No," he says matter of factly "I wanted to feel the sun on my skin, and this is the first place that came to mind."

"Oh. Well, of course, you are welcome anytime" I reply tucking my hair behind my ear.

I understand I don't know him but there is this underlining feeling of comfort. He does make me nervous but it's not necessarily in a bad way. More like excitement. I have heard the whispers about Hades and the underworld so there is that and the unknown aspect of how much truth there is in them. But looking at him, I don't think anyone really knows him.

"It is beautiful here," he says but his eyes never leave me.

"It is" I blush clearing my throat. "Would you like to walk down to the creek?"

"Yes, that sounds lovely," he says bowing his head slightly and falling in step beside me.

Oddly enough, I don't hear any animals. Normally that is all you hear when you are out here. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I look at him. He doesn't seem to realize it, or he just isn't affected by it. The creek flows through our land and from there I'm not sure. I am thankful that it does, the rushing water creates a soothing melody that can lull me to sleep without effort.

"Do you come here every day?" he asks breaking the silence.

"Yes, it's one of the few places that I can go."

"You have this world to explore why limit yourself?" he asks seemingly confused.

"The world may be there to explore but that doesn't mean I have those freedoms" I answer truthfully. Stepping into the water it flows over my feet, cooling them. I don't look up worried my confession was too much and that it was something better left inside.

"Trapped. Both of us, different yet the same. To have something within your reach but not be able to access it... that is the worse part of existing" he mumbles so low I barely hear him.

His deep voice triggers something far within, an unknown feeling travels to the surface. I don't know how to explain it other than he may be able to understand me more than another person. Like there may be one person in this world that knows what it is like to be confined to the point of suffocation. How the soul screams for that freedom while it is being eaten away day after day. To yearn for something more knowing it is to no avail. "Yes, it is its own form of torture," I say toeing with the small rocks at the creek bed. A red lock of my hair falls forward and I push it behind my ear once more and I tilt my head to the sky. As if I can see past here and into the world that I have yet to experience.

He stands nearby on the banks edge not saying anymore. After some time passes, I eventually look where I know him to be standing. My green eyes mesmerized by his ever-changing silver eyes that are looking at the clear water surrounding me.

Clearing his throat, he straightens his jacket "I need to be getting back."

I open my mouth to protest but quickly shut it unsure of where the urge to do so came from. Why do I feel a sudden loss of his presence when he has not even left yet? But instead of voicing any of these absurd thoughts I simply say, "Okay. It was nice to see you again."

His head tilts to the side as if studying me, his eyes flick across my face "You too. Goodbye Persephone."

With no more than a whisper, he is gone just as quickly as he appeared. The sounds of the forest coming back to life in his absence. 

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