Chapter 5

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Chi woke up to a banging on her cage.

Again with the banging!

She snapped her head up, but it didn't go far at all. Actually, no where at all. Her head was strapped tighter around a table and she could more her mouth. She was strapped. Even her tail.

She tried swaying her tail but it was tied down to something.

Chi closed her eyes, whimpering. She wanted to go home. Back to her siblings. She tried calling for other velociraptors but all that came out of her was muffled.

A human open the door and stepped inside. She was wearing a white pelt and her hands were blue.

"Hello." She said softly.

Chi flinched away. She knew she was greeting her somehow. She had never heard a kind human before. All the humans were yelling at her and sticking things into her.

This one was different.

She placed her hand softly on my head.


I started to squirm and puff at her placing her rubbery hands on me.

He immediately retreated her hand from my face and looked into my eyes.

"Calm down, Tango." She whispered.

Did she call me Tango? Why? Maybe she was speaking in her weird human language.

"Where will we transfer her to?" A man stepped it looking at her. Chi couldn't see him.

"We will take her to the lab first to experiment her and see if she's sick and all then we will see after that." The woman replied.

Chi struggled to see, making noise.

"Shut up!" The man slapped her side.

Chi hissed and growled dangerously.

"I'm not afraid of you!" He spat.

Chi didn't understand him but he knew it was a threat.

"Parker, don't be so mean!" The woman shouted.

Chi closed her eyes, listening to the humans talk over her.

"The boat stopped." Another voice popped in.

"Good." Said Parker. "Get up, Tango."

There it was again. Tango.

Parker made sure her claws were tightly secured then moved to her muzzle.

Parker looked into her eyes and Chi saw that he had a scar over his right eye. He had blonde hair and looked rough.

Probably not a good snack.

He tied something to the thing on her muzzle. It was a long rope. He tied another on the other side as well.

A while pasted and only Parker and the woman was there, standing talking about her. She could tell they were because Tango would pop up in their conversation.

Cries and hisses and clucks and clicks would sound from outside her cage from other dinosaurs.

Then it was her turn.

"Alright Tango, up."

A team of men came inside. "Ready?" One asked.

The nodded and Parker unstrapped her body.

Chi wriggled and she tried thrashing her tail but someone held it tightly.

Chi tried to claw but there was leather around it, keeping her claws from moving.

Every one evacuated the cage and left Chi in there by herself. The door was wide open. The men waited for her to leave so they could grab her.

Chi couldn't bite anyone. She couldn't claw anything. She could only run into people and use her tail.

She jumped out the cage, hissing as the light smacked her in the face.

Several humans were looking at her, wondering how she'd strike. Chi felt someone grab the rope that tied to her muzzle and jerk it.

Chi tried to roar but the stupid band around her mouth prevented that. She lunged for the man who jerked her but she was jerked the other way.

The men had her ropes, controlling her head.

When she wanted to look to the left, they jerked her to look forward.

Mean held her tail, preventing her from knocking anyone over.

She saw several dinosaurs being done the same thing. She saw a young alioramus. He was bigger than her but he looked helpless and weak as humans poked him with tazors.

The humans lead her to a moving cage.

"Put her in the truck!" Someone yelled and the forced her in the cage, slamming the doors in her face. They didn't even bother to take of the leather traps.

 They didn't even bother to take of the leather traps

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I like this dinosaurs. This is a new dinosaur I learned about today!

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