Chapter 9

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They rumbled and purred and nuzzled each other.

"Kilo! I thought you were dead!" Chi clicked.

Kilo shook his head. "My name isn't Kilo." He paused dramatically. "It's Chance the Raptor." He raised his head proudly. "Chance for short."

Chi looked at him in shock. "But—"

"No buts, Tango." He clicked and walked over to the bright red ball and squeaked it.

"My name isn't Tango!" She hissed.

"Kilo, we have to go home!" Chi trotted at his side.

"Chance!" He snapped. "And I love this place! We don't have to hunt and get hurt—"

"They don't shoot you with things and taze you?" Chi interrupted rudely.

Chance tapped it toe claw. "Sometimes...But they give you food! And a place like home!"

Chi looked down disappointedly. "I thought you were dead."

Chance looked at her.

"I thought they killed you and only took me. I saw Zulu die." She mumbled.

"Zulu's dead?" He dropped the ball in surprise.

"Trampled by a brachiosaurus." She rubbed her front claws together.


"I guess she got trampled too." Chi was lost with words. She didn't know what to say. Everything changed. Kilo was now a slave to the humans—the ones who killed their sisters, and trapped them in cages and stung them. She looked at Chance and saw he same the same dinosaur but he was so...submissive.

"Have you killed anyone yet?" Kilo asked.

She shook her head. "You?"

"Seven. I regret it though." He said sadly.

Chi blinked at him. Wasn't he so happy to be here? How and why did he kill that many people and she killed none? "Didn't they put a band around your mouth, and shoot you when you did?" Questions beamed across her head. How could her innocent brother kill that much people.

"They did shoot me and put a band around me. I think." He stumbled forward clumsy.

Chi looking over at him as he swayed on his feet. "Something's wrong with you." She said, taking a step back.

Chance shook his head. "Nope."

The was a loud noise and a huge chunk of meat fell right in front of them. "FOOD!" He clicked and rushed forward, nudging her out the way and start devouring it.

Chi wasn't that hungry from the food she ate a while ago but she cautiously stepped forward and instantly stepped back. There was a powerful smell in the meat. Something alcoholic and strong. Something that they were doing to Chance.

"Kilo!" She hissed suddenly and pushed him away.

"Chance!" He roared, squirming to get up, to finish his meal.

"They put something in the meat to make you crazy!" She snapped and turned to the wall, knowing there were humans on the other side.

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