Chapter 17

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"Tango!" Alexander bursted through the bushes and looked at her with a rush. "We found one!"

Tango leaped to her claws and looked back at Petrie, nuzzling her hatchlings. "Get Fern, Reed, and Claw somewhere safe. I want to you to join us." Petrie nodded and gathered her children and lead them away.

"Where?" Tango turned to Alexander.

"Near the ball-thing place." He replied with a snort.

"Ball-thing place?" She laughed at him.

"Yeah," he stumbled. "The humans ride in them."

"Oh, those." Tango smiled and watched as Petrie ran up to them, prepared.

Tango, Petrie, and Alexander raced through the woods as thoughts circled her mind. Countless days passed and everything was different now. The raptors weren't soft when Spike was alpha. They attacked every human in sight. Alexander still stayed alpha hunter and always reported to her. They finally tasted real food before. They hunted as a flock and took down so much prey—dinosaurs. The island was evacuated and all the power went out, releasing all the dinosaurs into the land and the plant population multiplied, which meant the herbivores multiplied, which meant more carnivores. Unfortunately, Littlefoot was killed by a Apatosaurus. Suddenly they stopped and saw the waiting flock for them, pacing, watching gallimimus surrounding a large stegosaurus.

"Can I just get a small one?" Chance whimpered.

"No," Tango snapped. "Save your energy for the stegosaurus."

"It's huge!" Petrie's eyes widened in fear.

"Guys! There's six of us! We can do this!"

The raptors chirped in agreement.

"Ok here's the plan: Change, distract his with his tail, please watch out for his spikes. His tail is his best weapon. Alexander and Petrie, attack the side and back. Teddy, you deal with his head and front feet Cera and I will go free-range." She nodded at all of them and the rumbled in agreement.

Tango chirped her signal and the velociraptors charged forward, scaring the gallimimus away. The stegosaurus turned to run but saw he was out numbered and turned, waving his tail. Chance roared then ran forward faster then leaped, locking his jaws around his spikes. Alexander sliced his sides while Petrie leaped on its back, dodging its large back armor. Teddy leaped swiftly in front of the creature and nipped it's heel and head. Tango helped her brother while Cera dove for the neck and after moments of struggling, they all killed the stegosaurus and it came down with a wail of agony and defeat.

"Our first Stegosaurus!" Tango congratulated them and allowed them to eat the large creature.

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