Chapter 19

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"Chi!" Spirit bursted through the screen of vines as she played with Claw. Chance was right next to her, chewing a bone and he looked at Spirit then at his sister surprised that he knew her real name.

The raptors looked at him with confusion.

"Who's that?" Cera asked, nuzzling Reed.

"Me. My name is Chi. That's my birth name and Chance's real name is—"

"Kilo." He stood up, lashing his tail with pride. He saw his sister give him a grateful look and a deep purr rumbled in both of their throats.

"His name is now Spirit." Chi smiled but it quickly faded when she saw the look on his face. "What's wrong?"



Chi growled as she saw several humans riding in their machines, with powerful weapons. The team split up and and got out their rides, slowly moving towards them. Chi rumbled the plan and she clicked the signal.

Kilo roared and called out to them and they aimed their weapons at him and he bolted, running further away from their camp. The rest of the raptors followed behind the running humans and leaped on them one by one, taking them down, hissing as fire sounded through the air but no one was shot.

More humans came and the raptors fled.

"We need help!" Chi hissed.

"From who?" Petrie hissed.


Chi saw the large trex feasting on an ankylosaurus. She chirped and stepped back as she saw its bloodstained mouth. He stepped forward and glared at them with wild eyes.

"Can you help us?" Chi chirped, knowing hat it didn't understand them. It suddenly roared at her and stomped after them, leading them to the humans.

Trex roared as he saw all the humans and the velociraptors helped take them down. The trex roared and looked at them, growling showing that it was his fight not their's as he tried to snap at Spirit.

Chi called the retreat and saw a separate car drive another way and she told her raptors to follow it.

He humans got out and they surrounded all five, hissing and growling. One was very familiar and his eyes were wild with fear. "Tango!" He sighed and looked at the small amount of raptors.

"Can we kill them?" Teddy barked at one holding a weapon to his face, hissing in fear.

"Mark?" Chi rumbled.

Mark took a step back looking at the raptors.

"Now?" Petrie asked.

Chi took a step forward and remembered Mark was the only human that she liked and would not dare to hurt him. Why had he come back. He should've stayed away We're it was safe!

There suddenly was a loud thunder and pain flared in her side as she fell with a roar. The pain blinded her and she leaped at Mark trying to kill him but she fell with a thud and saw her raptors roar furiously rush forward, purposely saving Mark for last, for Chi's sake.

As the other humans ran away, the raptors following, Mark stayed and crouched by her and she growled as he rubbed her head. "I'm sorry, Tango." He cooed. Her growl turned to a purr as she allowed him to pet her.

Tango lifted her head and let out a wail of pain then her head fell back in the mud. She didn't want to die like this! She didn't want to die yet! She wanted to have hatchlings and live her life! But the light and her vision swirled around her and saw Mark get up and run away, soon followed by her raptors.

Chi was too distracted by her pain to hear his screams over her whimpers. She closed her eyes and when she woke up the first face she saw was her brother. His muzzle was stained with tears as he looked down. "Chi..." Spirit was next to him and he looked down, sadness glazed in his eyes. Beside him as Cera, Petrie and Teddy.

She looked at them and tried to lift her head to see her wound and saw blood pour out a wound in her side. She breathed heavily and Kilo licked her face. "Please say hi everyone for me."

"I'm not going to die you—" a loud wail escaped her and she whimpered, knowing the truth that she was. A tear rolled down her muzzle. She didn't want to die yet.

Petrie nuzzled her. "Thank you for everything, Tan—Chi." She corrected with a yelp.

Teddy snorted his thanks trying not to show his sadness. Spirit nuzzled her and licked her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Chi whimpered, desperately wanting to stay. "I'm proud to be called your alpha and friend." She mumbled. "Spirit, lead for me." She lifted her head and touched his nose with hers. A tear rolled down his scales and he nuzzled her again.

Her head plopped down but her eyes looked at her remaining raptors one last time then closed her eyes. Her sides heaved with effort but it eventually wore off and she could hear nothing, feel nothing then everything stopped.

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