The meeting

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She was running late. She was never late, but her alarm clock failed to go off. Now she needed something strong to wake her up and keep her going for the rest of the day. She quickly ordered a latte and having got her drink, she turned only for a guy to bump into her and send her drink flying.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me" she shouted annoyed.

"I'm really sorry, I'm running late for work and didn't see where I was going." 

"Maybe you should wake up earlier' Aaliyah shouted back sarcastically. 

"Let me get you another, it's the least I can do. What was it again."

"A latte" she shouted back.

He gave Aaliyah her drink and Aaliyah got a good look at him. He is handsome Aaliyah thought but not for me.

"I'm Jameel by the way. And you are?"

"Late for work"

She ran to her car and quickly changed her top. She was surprised to Jameel standing by her car.

"What do you want?" She shouted 

"To know your name"

"Well i don't ever plan on seeing you again so why bother telling you my name?"

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll just call you latte"

"Please don't"

"Well then tell me your name."

"No. I don't know you and don't plan on seeing you again, so why bother?"

"Fine. I'm going to call you latte. Bye latte" Jameel winked as he strode off

Ugh thought Aaliyah. How can someone i just met annoy me so much? It's ok she thought as she drove off, i won't ever have to see him again.

Fate would have other plans 

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