Chapter sixteen

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Aaliyah was just finishing up her reports, when Jameels dad walked in. Aaliyah handed him the reports. For some reason, she couldn't stop smiling. "So you're the reason huh?" "Excuse me?" "The reason why my son has been walking around constantly smiling, constantly in his own dream world. I take it you're date went well then?" "It was lovely."

Aaliyah was at home when her mobile rang. Seeing it was Jameel, she picked up smiling.

"Latte, I need your help."

"Hello Jameel, lovely to hear from you too."

"Latte, do we really need formalities?"

"It's the polite thing to do. Anyway, what do you want?"


Aaliyah was shocked. Jameel had hung up on her. Well, I'm not ringing him back she thought. Her mobile rang again. Seeing it was Jameel, she sighed and picked it up.

"Good evening latte. How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks. How are you?"

"Perfectly well. How is the guy who kept bothering you? I seem to remember you had a date. How was it?"

"It went great. The guys not too bad."

"Ok, I need your help. I've been invited to my friends Christmas party."

"And you need my help because?"

"Well I don't want to turn up alone. I want to take my beautiful girlfriend with me. Show her off a bit. Do you think my beautiful girlfriend would like to come?"

"Ask her. Why you asking me?"

"I just did."


"Well I hope you are, after everything we've been through."

"She would love to come."

"Great. Tell her to be ready eight sharp."

The next day, Aaliyah was excited. She had never been to a Christmas party. Aaliyah and Jameel arrived hand in hand. Aaliyah gasped. It was like being in Santa's grotto. The organisers had gone all out.

"Jameel, my man. There you are. Hello Miss Aaliyah, lovely to see you."  Aaliyah recognised Jameels friend from the club as he kissed her hand. "You must be a pretty carefree girlfriend."


"Well, turning up at the same party as your boyfriends ex." Aaliyah pulled her hand away from Jameel. "What? "Shut up" yelled Jameel. "No, continue."

"I'm getting the feeling he never told you. Dude, if you're going to take your new girlfriend to a party where you're ex girlfriend is, at least tell her."

Aaliyah had heard enough. She ran away. "Now look what you've done" shouted Jameel. "Not my fault. You should of been honest."

"Latte Wait" yelled Jameel chasing Aaliyah up the stairs.

"Go away" yelled Aaliyah 

"Can't do that" said Jameel pulling Aaliyah into a room. "Let me explain." "Explain what? How you made me look a complete fool out there?" "What?" "Jameel, I don't care you have an ex. Everyone has them. What hurts is you didn't bother telling me that she was going to be here. Makes me wonder what else your keeping from me." Jameel tried to hug Aaliyah, but she wriggled away. "I need time to think. Don't follow me."

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