Chapter twelve

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Aaliyah lay on her bed and groaned. She was going on a date with Jameel. She knew that she should of tried to get out of it. She couldn't trust a man, after last time. Suddenly, her phone rang. Aaliyah saw it was Jameel, and picked it up, hoping he'd cancel.

"Jameel, if you're calling to cancel it's ok."

"What? No. I would never do that. I'm calling to ask if you prefer roses or daffodils?"


"Well, I can't turn up empty handed, can I?"


"Ok latte, before I let you go, I've sent you two pictures of suits. Which one would look better on me?"

"Your seriously asking the girl who your about to go out with, how to dress. Ask your mum."

"I did, but she said I was a big boy and can dress myself. Please latte, help me out."

Aaliyah sighed and looked at the pictures. Both would look great on him she thought, picturing him wearing them.

"I prefer the black one. Now, is that all, unless you want me to come over and help you get dressed?"

"I'd actually prefer if you took them off later." Aaliyah rolled her eyes. Jameel was too much. "Do you ever stop?" "What?" "Flirting." "Not with you."

"Ok, now you need to let me go and get ready. Got a date tonight."

"Anyone I know?"

"No, just some guy who's been obsessed with me, for ages."

"Well, he must mean something to you if you're giving him time."

"Ok, bye."

Aaliyah finished getting ready and sat waiting for Jameel. At 8 sharp, there was a knock on the door. Aaliyah opened it, to reveal Jameel holding a bouquet of roses.  Aaliyah put them in water and was about to head out, when Jameel grabbed her, and pulled her to him. "You look gorgeous" he said kissing her. Aaliyah kissed him back, but then pulled away and said "you promised me a date. Let's go."

Aaliyah thought Jameel had lost his mind. "Are you mad?" "What?" "Who has dinner outside in the freezing cold?" "Relax, the staff are bringing the radiators out. Plus, I thought you'd want to see the whole city." Aaliyah looked at Jameel, who put his head to one side. Aaliyah got up and went to the balcony on that side. She gasped, Jameel was right. She could see the whole city from here. It was a beautiful sight. Jameel came up to her and put his arms around her waist. Aaliyah shivered. What is he doing to me? she thought.

Aaliyah found herself enjoying Jameels company as they ate dinner and got to know each other. All too soon it was time to go home. Aaliyah was silent on the drive home. Jameel walked her to her building door.

"That was a lot more fun than I thought."

"Maybe we can do it again soon?"


Aaliyah was about to go in, when Jameel shouted "Wait latte, I forgot something." "What?" "This" said Jameel as he went up to her and kissed her. Kissing Jameel was nothing new to Aaliyah, as her arms automatically went around his neck. Soon Jameel pulled away, and rested his forehead against Aaliyah's.

"Well, I'll see you soon."

"You have to let go of me first."

Jameel let go, and watched as his latte went inside. He finally felt they were making progress 

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