Chapter eighteen

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Aaliyah woke up in Jameels arms. She smiled as she remembered everything. Who would have thought that after everything, she would trust a man again? But there was something about Jameel. He awoke feelings in Aaliyah that she'd never felt before. His love was really patient after everything she had put him through. She hadn't made it easy for him, but he proved his love by staying and still wanting her. Aaliyah kissed his cheek and got out of bed silently.

"Where do you think your going?" asked Jameel pulling Aaliyah in for a kiss

"Whilst I'd love to continue, it's my works Christmas party today. Have to get ready for that. Oh and by the way, they said I could bring a plus one, so if my gorgeous boyfriend feels like coming, I'd suggest he'd get ready."

"But the parties not until this evening, we have ages."

"But you know how long it takes for girls to get ready. So I'm starting now by having a shower". Jameel smirked, "no. Don't you dare. We don't have time." "Please?" said Jameel giving Aaliyah his best puppy dog eyes. "No!"

Aaliyah and Jameel walked into the party, a bit late. "This is all your fault" Aaliyah whispered to Jameel, "I said no, but you just wouldn't listen." "I don't remember you complaining at the time." Jameel whispered back. Aaliyah couldn't argue with that, it was like she was under Jameels spell, she loved him so much it hurt.

Aaliyah went of to mingle with a few work people, leaving Jameel alone with his parents. "So, are you two officially a couple now?" asked his dad. "Yes." smiled Jameel. "Are you having sex?" asked his mum. Jameel chocked on his drink. "Mum, what kind of question is that to ask your son?" "Well, if you are, I hope you're using protection. I'm too young to be a grandma." Jameel quickly excused himself and went and found Aaliyah.

"Your mum finished giving you the Spanish Inquisition?"


"I do love your mum, but she asks inappropriate questions."

"Your telling me. She wanted to know about our sex lives."

"What?" gasped Aaliyah 

"She said use protection as she didn't want to be a grandmother, just yet."

Aaliyah laughed as she and Jameel rejoined the party.

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