Chapter two

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Aaliyah sat in her chair and sighed. She had just come off a long shift and needed some caffeine. She was busy scrolling through her phone, trying to catch up on what had happened in the world while she had been working when she heard a voice. "Heyooo." Aaliyah looked up from her phone to see Jameel sliding into the chair opposite. "Hello Jameel, why don't you take a seat?" said Aaliyah sarcastically. "Nowhere else to sit latte" he replied. Aaliyah looked around the shop and saw most of the seats were empty. "Nowhere else to sit huh?" Aaliyah queried. "Not my best line, I'll admit, but I wanted to talk to you latte." Jameel said.

"Stop calling me that. You know my name now" Aaliyah shot back

"I prefer latte, it's like our thing."

"We don't have a thing."

"We could do but you keep pushing me away."

"God, your so annoying. And anyway, how'd you know I'd be here? You stalking me or something?"

"I'll make you a deal, I bet you a slice of that chocolate cake by the new year we'll be a thing."

"And if we're not?"

"I owe you some chocolate cake."

"Deal" said Aaliyah shaking Jameels hand. "Can you leave me alone now?"

"Look, can we start again? I've apologised for spilling the drink on you. And with you working with my dad, I think we're going to see a lot more of each other."

"Hello, I'm Jameel." he said putting his hand out. "Miss Aaliyah" she replied shaking his hand. "So, what do you do?" "I'm a nurse and you?" "I work in the forensics department for the police."

Aaliyah actually found herself enjoying Jameels company and learning more about him, until he asked her the one question that was off limits.

"Oh gosh, I didn't realise the time. Have to get back to work. Nice chatting with you."

Jameel watched her go bemused. He thought they were having a good time and hitting it off. He didn't know what he'd done wrong. He resolved to apologise next time, and he would make sure there was a next time.

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