Chapter fifteen

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"No, no, no Jameel. I am not doing that. I might die."

"Come on latte, stop being so dramatic. It's only ice skating."

"Exactly. I'm going to fall and break something."

Jameel sighed. His latte was being so dramatic. "Look, I'll skate by your side. If you think your going to fall, grab onto me." Aaliyah nodded, and slowly took her steps onto the ice. Slowly, Aaliyah started skating. Suddenly, it all came rushing back to her. She let go of Jameels hand, and started skating beautifully. Jameel stood there stunned.


"I thought you couldn't ice skate."

"My parents and I used to do this every Sunday, when they were alive. I stopped after they died. Guess it's all coming back to me."

Aaliyah grabbed Jameels hand, and slowly started skating with him. She loved how their hands fitted perfectly together. She felt safe with Jameel. She hadn't felt this way with anyone, since her parents died. "What's he doing to me?" she wondered.

After ice skating, they went for lunch. Aaliyah found herself opening up a bit more to Jameel. Aaliyah couldn't deny she was enjoying her time with Jameels. The conversation flowed freely, and they had non stop banter. All too soon, it was time to go. As they were making their way home, Jameel grabbed Aaliyah's hand and took her to Santa's grotto. Aaliyah looked at Jameel for an explanation.

"I seem to remember you telling me how much you used to love Christmas, and how your family went all out. But after your parents died, it was never the same. Well, now you're going to meet Santa, and you can ask him for anything you want."

Aaliyah was touched. He'd done so much for her. So, Aaliyah went to meet Santa.

"What would you like for Christmas?"


"You must want something?"

"To be happy."

"What makes you happy?"

"Him!" said Aaliyah, pointing at Jameel. Suddenly, Aaliyah realised she was telling the truth. Jameel was doing so much for her. He's lowering my walls and making his way into my heart realised Aaliyah. 

Aaliyah was quite on the way home. Jameel thought maybe he'd done something wrong, but he couldn't work it out. They had a good day, so why was she so quiet? They arrived at Aaliyah's building. "Listen, Aaliyah before you go in, if I done something to upset you then......." Aaliyah didn't let him finish as she hungrily kissed him. Jameel kissed her back with equal hunger. Aaliyah rested her forehead against his and said "thank you for the lovely date. I had fun."

"So does this mean we'll have another?"

"We'll see. Thank you for the date." Aaliyah kissed his cheek and went inside. Jameel smiled, he was making progress 

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