Chapter five

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Aaliyah walked out of the club, to get some fresh air. The rest of her group, all stumbled out, slightly worse for wear. Everyone seperated and went home, except Jameel and Aaliyah. "Bye Jameel, thanks for a good night out. I had fun." "Wait latte?" "What?" "I'm not letting you walk home alone, in this state." "I'm fine" said Aaliyah, trying to prove a point to Jameel by walking, but slightly stumbling. Aaliyah braced herself for the impact, but felt two strong arms wrap around her waist. "I've got you."

Aaliyah looked up at Jameel and said "I hate you." "I know you do latte, but please let me walk you home. "No". "Why not?" "Because I cant walk." "Huh?" "My feet hurt too much." As if to prove a point, Aaliyah took off her shoes and sat on a wall. Jameel sighed "ok, get on my back." "What?" "Get on my back, I'm going to give you a piggy back ride." "No." Jameel sighed and walked up to Aaliyah "latte, either it's a piggy back ride, or I pick you up bridal style. Your choice." Aaliyah reluctantly got onto Jameels back. "I hate you."

"I know you do latte, but right now let's get you home. You'll have to give me directions as I don't know the way." "Wait." "What?" "I'm cold." "Here, put my jacket on." Aaliyah rested her head on Jameels back, as they began the journey home. The journey was quite, apart from Aaliyah telling Jameel the way. They arrived outside her building and Aaliyah thanked Jameel.

"I'm not going until I've left you safe in your apartment." said Jameel. Aaliyah was about to say no, but Jameel took her hands and said "come on latte, surely I've proved I'm a decent person." Aaliyah couldn't deny he'd been a perfect gentleman all night, and reluctantly agreed. Aaliyah let them both in and went to change. Jameel poured her some water and got her some painkillers. "Remember, drink lots of water and get a good nights sleep" he said as he left.

"Wait", said Aaliyah as she rushed up to Jameel. "What's wrong?" queried Jameel. "Your jacket." "Keep it, it's a good excuse to see you again" Jameel winked. Jameel was about to go when Aaliyah grabbed his hand. 'What's wrong?" "Nothing. I just want to try something." Aaliyah walked up to Jameel, grabbed his shirt collars and pulled his lips to her. Aaliyah slowly waited for him to respond and thought she had made a mistake and went to pull away, when she noticed him passionately kiss her back.

Jameel quickly ran them to the wall, whilst Aaliyah ran her hands through his hair and wrapped her arms around him. Aaliyah feverishly kissed him and he replied with as much passion. Suddenly, Aaliyah pushed him away. "Interesting" she said as she went to her apartment. Jameel stood outside, not believing what had just happened. He smirked, knowing his latte wanted him as much as he wanted her.

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