Chapter thirteen

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Aaliyah finished typing up her notes on her last patient, and pressed the buzzer for the secretary to send her next patient in. Aaliyah sighed. It had been two days since she had the date with Jameel, and she had not been in touch with him since. Aaliyah sighed as Jameel walked in.

"Jameel, Not now. I'm at work and my next patient will be here any second."

"I'm your next patient, latte."

Right, what's wrong with you?"

"I get this tightening pain in my chest, and it's like I can't breathe."

Aaliyah told Jameel to get on the examining table and take off his shirt, so she could examine his chest. "I've dreamt of getting my shirt off for you, but under different circumstances." Aaliyah rolled her eyes and quickly began examining his chest.

"Have you eaten any spicy food recently?" she asked


"Well, can you think of any other reason why you are getting these pains?"

"Well, there is one thing". Aaliyah nodded at him to continue. "I went on a date with this wonderful girl two days ago. I thought it went great, but I must of done something to upset her, because I haven't heard from her since."

"Jameel" Aaliyah began, but Jameel continued "this girl is beautiful, super clever and everything to me. I love watching her smile, because that's the act she puts on for everyone else that she's ok, but only I can see the pain behind her smile, which I hope she will tell me the reason why one day. Everyday I spend with her feels like all my dreams have come true. I just want to make her happy."

"Jameel, shut up." "Why have you been ignoring me then? What did I do?" "You did nothing." "Then why?" "It's due to me." "How?" "Because I allowed myself to trust you and have a good time." Jameel looked confused. How is that so wrong he thought? He waited for Aaliyah to continue.

"After last time, I swore never to trust a guy again, because they'll only end up hurting you. I can't have my heart broken again. With great difficulty, I put it back together. If it broke again, I don't know if I'd be strong enough to survive."

Jameel went up to Aaliyah and threw his hands into the air. "Is that what you think I'm gonna do? In case you haven't realised, I'm crazy about you latte. I just want to make you happy. I can't stop thinking about you. Do you honestly think I would go to this much trouble if I wasn't serious about you?"

"But you don't even know me."

"I want to. I want to know everything. Down to the smallest detail."

"If you knew the truth about me, you wouldn't say that."

"Nothing you say or do, will change how I feel about you."

"I killed my parents."

Jameel stood shocked. How could his latte be a killer

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