Chapter nineteen part two

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"Latte, wake up."


"Can we swap sides? I can't get comfortable on this side."

"And you couldn't mention this before, like before we went to sleep."


After they swapped sides, Aaliyah tried to sleep again.


"Jameel, I swear I'm going to murder you. What do you want?"

"Can I have one of your pillows?"


"I can't sleep with one pillow."

Aaliyah reluctantly gave Jameel her pillows. She decided since he had her pillows, she would use his chest as her pillow. It was quite comfortable Aaliyah decided. Suddenly, Jameel got up. He went over to the doll, and covered her face with her hat.

"Sorry Jessie, What we're about to do is not suitable for younger viewers."

"Jameel, shut up. I'm to angry with you too do anything."

"Sure?" asked Jameel giving Aaliyah a deep tender kiss.

"Yes. It's your punishment for not letting me sleep."

Jameel sulky went back to bed. Aaliyah smiled and went to sleep. She wanted to do naughty things to Jameel, but she was too tired.

"Jameel, I love you."

"Love you too, Latte."

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