Chapter twenty one

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Aaliyah sighed as she left work. It had been a busy, yet horrible day. Aaliyah went to her car and gasped as she saw Jameel standing there, in front of her car.

"What are you doing here?"

"Real nice latte. I come to pick up my girlfriend from work and this is how you greet me."

"Don't start with me Jameel. I'm not in the mood."

"Awwww. Did my latte have a bad day at work?" 

"Shut up and get in the car, before I leave you here."

They arrived home and Aaliyah led Jameel up to the bedroom. "Need to work off my anger."

A few days later, Jameel woke up Aaliyah up with breakfast in bed. "Hurry up and get ready, I've got the whole day planned out. Oh and happy birthday" he said kissing her on the lips. Aaliyah went to have a shower and grabbed Jameels hand. "Your coming with me." "I seem to remember last time you refused me." "But, you didn't listen and joined me. Today I'm inviting you. Unless, you don't want to." Jameel grabbed Aaliyah's hand and led her in.

Jameel sighed and flopped down, on the chair. Why had he suggested that he would take out Aaliyah shopping for the day? Girls knew how to shop. Aaliyah kept coming out of the changing room, with new clothes on, asking how she looked. The thing was Aaliyah looked great in anything. "Aaliyah, how many times you look great in everything. Pick a few and let's go." "But they're all so cute. I can't decide." "Well then, get them all." "I can't ask you to do that." Jameel grabbed all the dresses and paid for them all.  They went home and Jameel led her upstairs. "I thought we didn't have time." 'For you, I'll make time." Aaliyah's yelp of happiness was all the permission Jameel needed

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