chapter 25//the finally

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annie's pov

"you've been a bad girl." my poor excuse of a father whispers to me, dragging my wrist. i whimper in pain. i may have grown a high tolerance to pain, but i'm just not used to his abuse anymore.

"i-im s-s-sorry." i stutter, tears threatening to escape my chocolatey-brown eyes.

"oh you will be. i gave you EVERYTHING you spoilt brat!" he screams at me, before stopping. he lets go of my wrist for a split second before turning his face to me. his rough hand comes into impact with my soft face. leaving a ginormous red spot at the spot of impact. i stop myself from crying. i was not gonna cry for him. i was not gonna let him win.

i take a deep breathe. if i'm gonna go down i'm bringing him down with me. i kick him in the place where the sun doesn't shine and i run, giving myself some time. i keep running until i find a place to hide. i don't know where to go, but i just keep running.

i hear his faint screams behind me and i just keep running. because i know as soon as i stop, i'm gone. he's going to kill me and i know that. i go upstairs into a darker place with only a few doors. i choose the one on the left and i quietly step inside. i sigh as i close the door behind me. after i catch my breathe and turn around and i glance at the figure in front of me. i lose my breathe for a split second before speaking.


"annie? what are you doing here." my mom whispers. her appearance looked exhausted with dried blood covered over her body, her dark hair untamed, with bruises scattered over various places of her body. it hurt looking at her in this state.

"you're alive?" my statement comes out as more of a question. she hangs her head in defeat. "how long? how long have you been here?! how long has dad kept you hear?!" i scream a little louder then intended.

"annie, keep your voice down," she whispers looking around, "i'll tell you everything in time, i promise but right now you have to hide!" she starts to lift up a trapdoor in the ground. "hide here, he doesn't know it exists. just be quiet please." she lifts it up further for me to hide under. his footsteps start getting louder as he screams my name.

tears are rushing down my face and i can't stop myself from crying. "are y-you coming?"

"no. he'll know if i go with you."

"please! i cant loose you again. please come with me." i whimper as a waterfall of tears come rushing down.

"annie, you need to trust me."

i nod and i slowly go into the trapped door. i climb inside, hesitating before she shuts it closed. i look through a whole in the top and i see my dad rush into the cell.


"why would annie be here?" my mom calmly asks.

"you know what happens when you lie." he mocks in a sing-song voice. he comes closer to her brushing her hair and giving her sloppy kisses. "be a good girl."

"i ha-have no i-idea what you're t-talking about." she stutters, due to the fact that he was so close to her face.

"i don't want to hurt you. oh wait, yes i do." he laughs at his own joke and whips her. she welps as he hits her. i gasp making a louder noise then intended and he turns his head over to my hiding spot.

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