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[June's POV:]

" dear can you drink this one last bottle for me? " ahhhrrrg,  I'm slightly dizzy cause I already drank too much a while ago.

I still took the bottle and granted her wish so I got a kiss in return. Enjoying life like how human does is a great idea. Tssss..

" let's dance!  " she said then pulled me at the dance floor where everyone are dancing like crazy.
" dance ! Show me your moves !" she said loudly cause I can't hear her.

I didn't know her anyway, I just came here to drink some beer and I met her. She looks good and sexy but...  Nevermind...

A man that bumped at my back got my attention. He's kissing  a girl while dancing at the center of the dance floor.

" Yunhyeong? " he looked at me with widened eyes seems like he's surprised.

" Hey June! " he said as he stopped kissing the girl.
" Did you see Jinhwan around ?  I left him a while ago. "

Did he just say...

" Where is he?!  " I asked automatically as I heard his name.
" You left him alone?! "

" she pulled me. " he answered pointing the girl he's kissing before.
" Our place is somewhere near the dance floor. Will you please look for him? "

" The f*** you pleaded for what?  Of course I'll look for him. You shouldn't dragged him in this kind of place then left after. " I said then about to leave him to find Jinhwan.

" Hey ! Are you going to leave me here? " asked by the girl I just met.

" Tssss...  " this is your fault Yunhyeong.
"Sorry dear I'll be busy but you still can enjoy your night with this guy. " I said then pushed him forward.
" Right Yunhyeong? " me then smiled at them.

"a-ah? " I just winked then left after.

He's a walking disaster and too clumsy to be alone in this kind of place.

" oh s*** where is he?  " I already walked around but still cannot find him. Last try...

I walked around until I reached the parking lot checking it too in case he's waiting for Yunhyeong to came out of the disco bar. But what I saw isn't what I'm expecting.

I found him unconscious carried by a familiar guy and put him inside the car. A very familiar wolf.

" y-You? "

[Yunhyeong's POV:]

Do you think I'm enjoying those flirty girls's presence?

Of course!!!

I did ! but Jinhwan is more important. I'm just finding a way to escape from them and finally I've got a chance.

I looked around to find them but they're both nowhere to be found.

" Seems like you're looking for someone? " a familiar voice behind me asked.

" What are you doing here? " I asked.

" Can't I enjoy my life same as humans? " he said then smirked.

" You can fool anyone here but not me Mino. Where is the Omega? " I said and asked directly.

" You're talking about Taehyun? He's somewhere out there." he just said then took a bottle of beer to drink. So Taehyun is here too... What is their plan?

" Where's Jinhwan ?!" He's slightly getting into my nerve like really really getting into my nerves.

" chill, we just want to borrow the small guy y'know? We wanna play with different wolves not only with you guys." he said then flashed an evil smile.

" You can't do anything to him. Give him back or I will rip your head away from your body? " shoot!  The f*** ! Obviously Jinhwan is in danger within their hands.

" Try me... "

[Hanbin's POV:]

I'm on my way home but why do I feel something is wrong?  Something isn't right. I think I shouldn't leave them for the whole day.

[June's POV:]

As I saw his face once again,   everything returned in my mind.

A dreadful past...

Our mother's Death..

And a Traitor..

My claws thirst for his blood is prevailing my whole body. I wanna rip every part of him. I wanna take his heart out of his chest.

Unconsciously my body moved to what it really want. Kill him..

" So you're alive, it's really true that Bad blood don't die easily. "

His agility improves as the time flies.

" Don't you missed your favorite hyung?  Huh? " he asked in an innocent voice. Favorite my a$$..

" Hyung?  I only have Five brothers who doesn't have traitor blood running within their veins. " I just said then smirked.
" Cause a traitor should be die in the first place. " You go die...

" then kill me if you can Junhwe. "

" I can and I'll do."

" June! "

[Yunhyeong's POV:]

People quickly ran out of the disco bar as the trouble began.

" You can't win over me Fake Alpha! " I said as I kicked his stomach.

" You can win over me but you know quantity is always on point." he said as he whistled loudly motioning other wolves to come.

Oh s*** ! I really need to find them.

" June! " I called as I finally found him having his own fight with...  Oh it's Taehyun !

He didn't look at me seems like he loses his self control again. Where's Jinhwan anyway?

" Yunhyeong at the car! " June said loudly, oh he's still normal and what car is he talking about?
" The white one! " he said while distracting Taehyun. Okay..  Found him!

" June! " I just yelled while carrying Jinhwan at my back then motioned him for us to leave before the other wolves came.

[Author's Note:]

Okay, second update for this week. I'm sorry if I'm not that active here guys. Still thanks for all the comments and stars. Those are highly appreciated.Love Love 😍

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