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A/N: I will surely write a smut as soon as possible but I don't know if it will end up good😅😅😅 not done yet..  I'll let you hang here. 

------------------------****-----------------------[ Jinhwan's POV ]

I'm having the same feeling as him that's what Hanbin told me. Is he talking about June? 

" can't sleep? " he asked as he handed me a cup of milk while his drinking a canned beer.

" Thank you. " I smiled as I accept his cup of milk.
" But I think a can of beer will help. "

" Having a problem? I thought you don't drink. " he said not giving me a canned beer.

" a try won't be a problem I guess." I just answered then heard him chuckled as he handed me a canned beer.
" How do you know I don't drink? "

" Puppy don't drink beer y'know." he said then laughed a little.
" And you're still a puppy. "

" June.. Have you met someone that you think having the same feeling as you ?" I asked without looking and opened my beer instead.

" I guess I found someone but he's not for me. " he answered then drank all the beer inside his can. My eyes were glued at him while he's saying those.
" But I know he'll be better with him. " he said then smile but the sadness in his eyes cannot hide.

" he's not.. " sudden words. What am I talking about?  I'm not even sure if he's talking about me or the Taehyun, Yunhyeong mentioned before.

" What do you mean? " he asked with his eyes glued on me. Woah.. This is not so easy..

I drank all the beer inside the can not minding the bitter taste then took a deep breath.

" Having mate is having someone who's having the same feeling as you and it's love." I started.
" Hanbin told me. . And if I don't have the same feeling as him.. If there's no love then maybe I am not the right one. "

I am not sure about this one but I still wanna try. My mind told me not to but this heart keeps telling me to try If I wanna know the truth.

Closing the few steps distance between us and stopped in front of him.

" Do you have any feelings for me? " maybe this is the effect of what I've drank. Having the guts that I want whenever I talk to him.

" I know you are the right one for my brother." he said then look at the other side avoiding my eyes, hiding the emotions that can be read in his eyes.

" Do you like me? " not minding what he said.

" I do... "

And with his words my body moved, tiptoed and close the remaining distance between us.


I don't know how we reach this far. It's so fast that I can't remember how he got me here inside his room slightly undress, lying in his bed with him on top of me pinning my both hands.

" are you just playing with me?  Huh? " he said without removing his hands in me.

" And if I say yes,  will you stop? "

" No... I don't want you to play with my feelings. " he said controlling his self.
" so don't before I lose my own sanity. "

" I won't sacrifice my virginity just to play with someone's feelings. "

I maybe the one who starts the fire but I am not sure what will happen next. I'm not afraid of losing something important to me but afraid to lose someone without trying.

[ June's POV:]

Those moans are music in my ear. Making me want to do more to give him more pleasure.

Soft lips that are mine as of this moment. Removing everything inside my mind and let my heart work.

------------------------****-----------------------[ Jinhwan's POV ]

We still have the clothes but I can feel his thing down there getting hard and harder.

" You shouldn't made me this crazy you small little wolf. " he said as he explore my body with his hands and ripped my shirt after.
" But I won't make you regret..."

Those sucks and wet kisses from my neck down to my stomach. You're the one who's driving me crazy Junhwe...

I gulped several times as he started removing the remaining clothes I have leaving me totally naked. This is my first time and he's making me wanna melt as he stopped and stares at my exposed body.

" J-June... " All I said as I pulled a large pillow to cover my body. I can't...  Why are you looking at me like that?.

He laughed and gently remove the pillow from me then lay on top of me again leaving few centimeters distance between our face.

" there's no turning back my little wolf. " he said as he gently touch my lips with his index finger then give me a peck of kiss after.

" I won't.. " 

" I'll be gentle.. I promise.. " he said as he kissed my forehead down to the tip of my nose then a hot and passionate kiss after.

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