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[ Jinhwan's POV:]

I tried my best to help and not to be a burden so June can help them. He refused to leave me first but I assured him that I can protect myself and even promises him that I'll be fine.

Yunhyeong and Hanbin were missing in my sight. I can't see them while other wolves were busy in their own battle.

This will be the first time for me to change in my wolf form since the white wolf hyung trained me to. I maybe not as big as everyone here but I guess my strength is enough to help a little.

Despite the fact that their quantity is no joke compared to us, something didn't escape from my sight. Maybe this is one of the advantages of my wolf form.

A black wolf has an unconscious Yunhyeong in his back ! And no one notices him.

This can't be..  I looked around, they're all fighting and there's no one who can help but me.

And as I got a chance,  I ran as fast as I can to atleast made an impact as I tried to tackle him. Yunhyeong fell and I guess he's in a bad condition as he didn't move even a little despite the fact that he hit the ground so hard.

" Yunhyeong!  Wake up.. " I bit him a little but still he's not moving. But he's still breathing and I confirmed it as I put my ear in his chest. I tried to carry him at my back and yeah!  He's really heavy. He ate a lot so no wonder.

I'm about to take unconscious Yunhyeong away when the one I tackled obstructed my way.

" So where do you think you're going ?" he said as he positioned his self ready to attack me but there's June who suddenly appeared to defend.

" Find your size. " June said looking at the wolf fiercely. That's the cue for me to leave with Yunhyeong at my back.

His look seems like he was more than in a deep sleep. There are bloodstains in his shirt too. At the back to be exact that made me found a large wound. Ooohh god..  It's so deep but there's something inside his wound that I don't know If I should get. I'm afraid that if I made a mistake in getting it, he'll get worse.

One more passed quickly in my head and I don't know what to do now. I can't  leave Yunhyeong but Hanbin is still missing. Please be safe..

" Sorry I won't take too long. I'll be back." This is not safe for him but still I guess no one will notice him especially when he's still unconscious.

I left Yunhyeong inside the car and tried to look for Hanbin. Hoping he's just around and fighting random wolves. I'm having this bad feeling and it's getting worse as I still can't find him while Yunhyeong is still in bad condition too.

[ June's POV :]

What the hell is happening?  They're not like this before. Yunhyeong is in bad condition too.

" You sh*t..!"

And now there's Mino at my front while there's Taehyun behind me. I don't know what to think right now, everything are just so f*cked !

I can't even focus when my eyes were finding the only white wolf here all the time. That's the only good thing for tonight. I can easily find him because of his fur.

" Still wondering why everything are f*cked for your group tonight?  I have a secret." Mino playfully said without removing the smirk on his lips.

" What do you want?! "

" You do know why we're doing this and still asking?"  I knew it, they're still working for him.

" What am I expecting for weak wolves like the two of you?  I forgot,  you traitors already sell your body and kind for that little power you have. "

" And this little power will go bigger as we got you and took all the remaining blood within your lifeless body."

" You are so evil. "

" No, we're not yet but he is.. "

[ Jinhwan's POV:]

He's standing in front of me.

All the braveness and strength that I'm starting to build in me are slowly disappearing. Now that I see him standing in front of me again.

All the fears that I almost forgotten came back as I see those eyes looking at me again. The same eyes looking at me full of anger, ferocity, and desire to kill my kind.

" we've met again."

I was froze as he took steps forward and tilted my head upward to face him. The same fear engulfed my whole body. My head keeps yelling at me to fight for myself but my body don't even move a bit.

" y-you are .."

" I am watching you since that day. " He leaned and wrapped his arms around me.
" Thank you for giving me a great gift... Son." Every word hits me and pulled me back to reality.

" What are you saying?! "

He didn't answer instead he released me and took few steps backward.

" I'm still believing that you will be my perfect creation soon. We will meet again. "

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