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A/N: I think I made a mistake with this story since I forgot the original plot 😞. I'll do better next.

[ Hanbin's POV:]

We got the small wolf back but everyday that passes keeps getting worse.

" What the hell is in their mind?  What they really want?" Bobby who looked at the man's lifeless body.

" They're attacking us and kills innocent humans too. So they really want to bring back the dreadful past of this city?" said by Yunhyeong beside me.

" What do you mean by dreadful past? " asked by the small wolf behind June. So we decided to investigate with this innocent wolf. After what happened, we can't leave him now.

" War between humans and wolves. " Yunhyeong answered as we decided to left the group of people.

War between humans and wolves ? But what's happening right now isn't like the war before. What's happening right now is wolves vs. wolves and humans. Those armed men with Taehyun's group were the proofs and what Jinwoo said. They will need us to complete their evil plans.


Another man's dead body found not that far from the previous one.

We heard screams and saw people running and hiding.

Now,  this is getting serious. What the hell is happening right now?!

" They're attacking. " Bobby said then ran towards the crime scene.

It's still fresh seems like the one who's doing this isn't going too far but just hiding somewhere.

" The wolf is here right? " Jinhwan asked. He don't hide behind June now and just looking at me directly.
" We must do something. "

" We need to find the one behind these brutal crimes. " Chanwoo who looked around.

" What if we devided our selves into three groups?" Donghyuk suggested and I guess it's the best way so we agreed.

As we agreed dividing into three. Bobby is with Donghyuk,  Chanwoo is with Yunhyeong, and I chose to be with June and Jinhwan so we can protect him too.

I'm looking around as a sudden move from not that far caught my attention.

" Did you see it too? " June asked and I just nodded as an answer.

" But I guess your attention must be focused in here... Ahmm guys? " Jinhwan said from our back that got our attention.

There's a group of black wolves attacking randomly.

" Oh sh*t ! " June who pulled Jinhwan behind him as one of the wolves paced towards our direction.

We positioned automatically to prepare ourselves from sudden attack but the wolf just remain calm and walked around us.

" Are you with us or with humans? " He said as he stopped in front of me.

" But we don't kill humans. "

" So you're with them. Means you must die. " He said as his claws shows.

" Wait! " he's about to attack when this small wolf interrupted.

" Jinhwan! " June who tried to stop him as he stepped forward.

" A small wolf ?  And you are an omega. " Black wolf said as he took one step toward Jinhwan.
" must be protected."

" Take one more step forward or I'll leave you lifeless. " June who threatened the wolf who just laughed.

" So I guess this beautiful wolf is your's. "

" Stop this nonsense and listen to me. " I never see him this serious and brave enough to face a random wolf.
" We don't have to kill each other, right? We don't have to kill random people who know nothing. "

" Are you trying to tell me that we're doing wrong cause we kill humans? But you must know that they're the one who attacked first. They took many lives from us and we won't let them took more. "

" But you're taking innocent lives."

" it's the same. They took innocent lives too. Mercilessly took them from us, made them feel the cruelty in their hands, and brutally took their lives after they got what they wanted. "

So the reason behind this is ' revenge'. They don't belong in Taehyun's group?

" You must stop killing people." A brave small wolf said. I'm still wondering where he stayed that time when he's still missing. He didn't mention anything but I can feel something is different now.

" And do you think I will listen to a lower class wolf?"

" You! ---" I can feel June's raging anger but Jinhwan just held his hand to calm him down.

" No, but I guess you shouldn't waste your energy in killing random people and use it to the one who's responsible for our lost."

" Our lost? "

Jinhwan who nodded and smiled a bit. " Your pack isn't the only pack who lost lives. We lost important members in our family too. I guess you know the pain of losing someone who didn't do anything wrong. Taking revenge in innocent one isn't the answer. You must use your strength to protect the remaining members."

He stared at our small wolf for a while before he turned his back and left with his pack. He really did?

" Do you guys think he'll do what I said? " He asked innocently then turned to face us.

" Of course, those words came from our precious one." I just said ruffling his hair softly.

" Seriously where did you get that guts to face a wolf like him? " asked by June. Same as me,  he's wondering too.

" Because we all have a reason and I know wolf's mind aren't only filled with violence and ferocity. That's what I learned as I became a part of our family. " He said then flashed a wide smile. He's so pure... 

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