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Everything is mess. From ripped sofa, bloodstains all over the floor and walls, and broken doors and windows.

And the one we lost and disappeared left the deepest cut and worst damage.

" Everything goes well in their plan the f*ck !" Bobby who harshly ruffled his own hair.
" How can I let it happened?!"

" It's my fault I shouldn't took my eyes away from him. Sh*t ! It was all a damn planned !" Hanbin who punched the wall.

" Don't blame yourself. We're all distracted and fell for their plan. " I want to curse too and punch everything. I really do want to rip their bodies into pieces but I chose to be calm in front of these hopeless wolves.

" I don't want him to be like Taehyun hyung. I really don't want it to happen. " Chanwoo who almost cry but stopped by Donghyuk.

" Don't ever think that way. They're different.. Jinhwan is too pure ---"

" But Taehyun hyung too before everything happened. Ahhh! " -Chanwoo who cutted Donghyuk's sentence.

I wanted to console them all, but my deepest concern goes to the one who didn't say anything and chose to lock his self inside his room. He definitely feel worst than us for failing to protect Jinhwan.

[ Jinhwan's POV :]

My eyes explored the whole place and I think this place is kinda familiar.

" Oh you're awake." He just smiled at me and handed a cup of coffee.
" Don't you like my place?  I know it's not as big as their house but believe it or not this place is great. " he said convincing me to like his house but I already like it so I just smiled.
" And safe."

He has too many plants around and it really helps refreshing the place.

" what do you want to eat for breakfast? " He asked blinking his eyes cutely while his smile never fade in his lips.

" Anything. " I answered smiling.

I stood up and walked around as he left me to prepare our breakfast. This place is really familiar but I can't remember where I saw this.

" Breakfast is ready. "

My eyes were glued on him while slowly munching the food he gave me. He's some kind of beast in a gorgeous human form. Everything is on point, His light hair with blue tips,  His pale skin and pointy nose. Even his eyes were perfect.

" Don't look at me like that, I'm getting nervous y'know. " he said as he put down his fork and look at me. Am I staring at him too much?

" Why?  You're stronger than me. " I just smiled before stuffing my mouth again.

" Because you look so gorgeous." I almost choked as he said those words.
" And I'm afraid to be too attach with that beauty. I don't want to lost my head y'know."

June is the first one who appeared in my head as he said it. I missed him already and I wanna hug him so tight. I wanna see him.

" I told you don't do that. " He said again. Huh?

" What?  I am not staring at you. "

" Will you please stop acting so cute? Or being gorgeous or pretty... "

" Don't you think that's too much? And hey,  I'm not doing anything y'know? " I said rolling my eyes.

" Like that! "

" Then don't look at me!"

" Ahhh...  I can't believe this.. " He looked at me. A bit amazed but kinda irritated too.
" Is that how you treat the one who saved you ? "

" I didn't asked you to save me. "

" Of course you wouldn't ask because you're already unconscious." He said rolling his eyes. I have no words to say. He's some kind of weird creature. At first he looks like an angel then a minute after, he's like a nagging beast.

He just shook his head and focused in his food instead.

" Thank you. " I just said after a minute cause I felt bad. He's still the one who saved me after all.

" Welcome. " Then he smiled again. I know there's something special with him and I still can't figure out.

" What kind are you? Why I can't feel it? " I asked.

" I am special and more than any other wolf you just met. " He answered while stuffing his mouth with large piece of meat.

" Then you can help like how you save me? " My eyes brightens as I said it.

" No. "

" Why? " Confusedly looking at him.

" because I am not allowed to take any part in their small issues. But I can help you If you want to , but limited. " He said showing his cute smile.

" Like? "

" ask me a favor then I'll say if yes or no. "

" Do you have magic? " I asked innocently.

" Are you a kid?  Do I look like a wizard to you? " Seriously, he's a short temper beast.

" I'm just asking." I pouted.

" I need a serious favor not a kiddy question."

" I don't wanna be a burden in our family. "

" Then I'll teach you how to fight. That's all,  no Magic. "

A/N: I know this part is so random like the random char. here 😂😂 I just wanna tell you guys Jinhwan is safe and cheating ( atleast in his mind but it's a joke.). He's the main Char. In my 2world FF but I unpublished it.

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