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[Jinhwan's POV:]

Hanbin didn't mention but Yunhyeong did as I asked him what happened last night.

I don't know what's this feeling but this happiness because he's the one who saved me and the guilt because it's my fault in the first place.

I'd search the whole house but can't find him. He's maybe strolling somewhere to relax away from trouble caused by me.

Walking around the garden then collapsed my body in a bed of green grasses. The sun isn't showing itself today and hiding behind the clouds. Wind blows making the grasses dance a bit. This is such a good weather for me and I must appreciate this beauty of nature... But I can't..

I wanna see him, I don't care if he'll get mad at me.. I wanna hug him and say thank you for saving me.

" arrrrrggghh!! " I just rolled my body back and forth. I don't care if I get dirty by doing this.

" You know it's better to roll there with your fur and not with your skin right? " I stopped as I heard the voice of the man I wanna see right now.

"j-Junhwe--" my words was cutted as I started to feel the itch on my skin.
" aaaahhhh ! Itchy!  So itchy...  !"

" I told yahh,  maybe you rolled on their way that's why they punished you. " he said.

" their?  They?  Who?  What are you talking about?  " I asked while scratching random parts of my skin.

" them.. " he said as he took something on my shirt and showed an ant. He put it down the grass then chuckled.

" Huh???!!! "

[ June's POV:]

Rashes all over his exposed skin and in random part of his body.

" what are you doing? " he asked as I sat in front of him while he's sitting in his bed and took his arm. Oouch,  I can feel the itch by simply looking. He's about to cry maybe because of this.

" don't scratch it or it will get worst. "

" but... "

" I told you don't. " He just look at me as I apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.

Why is so hot in here?  I can feel my sweat beading.

" j-June.."

" yes? "

" A-about last night. " I didn't  stop applying cold compress on random part of his skin but he know I'm listening.
" T-thank you for saving me. "

" I'm going to save whoever in your shoes last night----"

" I owe you my life. " he said as he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and moved forward for a hug. I was froze for a while but managed not to make it obvious to him.

" who told you? "

" Yunhyeong. "

That hyung....

" June.. " he called without removing his arms around me.

I can smell his sweet fragrance, feel his soft skin not minding those rashes that I can feel too. A small frame in me.. Ahh f*ck what do you think you're thinking about Junhoe?

"What is it?" I asked. Now it's getting hotter,  stop that Jinhwan or else..

" Please stay like that. " huh?
" being the real you,  I know you're not as peevish as you always show. Yunhyeong told me too. "

Oh f*ck..

" and.... "

He's too close that I can feel his heart beating so fast. And I'm afraid to hear what he's going to say next.

" I think... I---"

" d-don't say it. " sudden words came out from my mouth.
" i-I just get some ice. " I just said as I remove myself from his hug.

" i-I'm okay." he said as he turned his head on the other side.

" don't do it again.."

[ Jinhwan's POV:]

I know he'll be mad if I hug him but still it feels so different when he rejected me.

" don't do it again. "

Do what?

" don't involve yourself into trouble."

Why are you beating so fast?  You're Hanbin's ,you shouldn't feel that.

" from the day after tomorrow until the last day of mating season I won't be around." he suddenly said that actually made me fall into deep thought. Mating season..... 


" Mating season... "

" I'm giving you and Hanbin a privacy. I think the other boys too so you two have the freedom to do it there or there or... ----"

" What do you mean by doing it? "

" Are you really Hanbin's mate?!" he's starting to raise his voice again.

" i-I think so? " I am not sure!  Don't you know that? 

" what?!  " he ruffled his own hair after hearing my answer. He breathe in and out then sighed calming his self.
" Do you really know this mate thing to us wolves? " he asked as he done calming his self.

" My mother, I mean the one who raised me is a human. She didn't explain this mate thing to me. " I explained.

" Oh sh*t .. Mating season starts the day after tomorrow yet you don't even know a single detail about this mate thing. " he paced back and forth with his hand cupping his chin. Then suddenly stopped and turned to me again ruffling his own hair.

What have I done?

A/N : 2nd update for today.  I really don't know what kind of random update is this 😂😂😂 pardon I just type what comes in my mind.

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