Chapter 5: The Don's Supper

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After three whole days, the Dark Soul Pirates (Along with the Bounty Hunter duo) made it to the restaurant of the Sea.

As soon as they got close enough to the boat, a Marine ship arrived, and a man with a piece of metal attached to his hand spoke to them

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As soon as they got close enough to the boat, a Marine ship arrived, and a man with a piece of metal attached to his hand spoke to them.

As soon as they got close enough to the boat, a Marine ship arrived, and a man with a piece of metal attached to his hand spoke to them

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(Fullbody)"Hm, I think I've seen that Pirate flag before. I'm Lieutenant 'Iron-Fist' Fullbody, who's your Captain?"

(Mawgona)"That would be me, Mawgona."

(Fullbody)"Ah, yes, I definitely recognize that name. I'd catch you any other day, but I'm off duty right now. But consider all your lives forfeit next time we meet."

(Nami)"That was close! I thought we were gonna have to fight him!"

(Zant)"Even if he wanted to, I doubt he'd try it in front of a-"


The ship turned to face the Iron Maiden, and a Marine loaded the main cannon.

(Fullbody)"Sink 'em."

A cannon ball came flying out at an incredible speed. Without any fear, Mawgona caught it with a single hand, much to everyone's surprise.

(Mawgona)"I'm trying to collect crew members at the moment. Don't bother me anymore."


(Johnny)"Brother Mawgona caught the cannon ball with one hand!"

(Yosaku)"H-He's crazy strong!!"

(Mawgona)"You all stay here. I'll try to find a chef in there to join us."

He jumped high into the air, landed on the Baratie, and walked inside. He walked over to one of the waiters and asked to see the owner. He agreed, and brought him to a blonde man with a peg leg and a very big hat. This man was called Zeff.

 This man was called Zeff

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