Chapter 16: Kriivat

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While on their way to Viva-La-Vaego Island, Bui Bui had treated the girl's wounds, and had just finished wrapping them up in bandages.

(Bui Bui)"There, I think this'll be enough. Are you feeling any better?"

(Nami)"I-I think so, just stings a little right now."

(Mawgona)"Thank God it wasn't anything life threatening. But how did he get on board?"

(Zant)"I don't know, he just appeared from underneath this big gray slab and cut them up!"

(Vivi)"I...I think I know who he was."

(Mawgona)"You do?"

(Vivi)"Possibly, many years ago, there was this casino in Alabasta, the Sandy Oasis. It had a rivalry with another called Rain Diners, which that Crocodile was in charge of."

(Vivi)"The owner of Sandy Oasis was called Gambit, and he had a son named Marcus. One day, Gambit died of a mysterious illness, and just as his son inherited the casino, the World Government placed under the control of someone else. Before Marcus left, he swore to come back after he kills someone called Nami."

(Nix)"Guess he somehow got on board at Whiskey Peak. But how'd he know Nami was with us?"

(Barry)"We're gonna find out in a few minutes, I think we're here!"

They had just arrived on Viva-La-Vaego Island, it had multiple buildings based on old western times, and had a giant cactus-shaped building in the center.

(Mawgona)"Alright, we'll split up to find this Marcus. Shadow Pirates, Bui Bui, stay here and protect the girls if he, or anyone else shows up."

(Shadow Pirates)"Yes, Captain!"

(Mawgona)"Pepin, Nix, search the east and west sides of the island. And Zant, you're with me to that central building, I got a hunch that he's in there."

(Zant)"Sounds good to me, maybe I'll get a real fight ever since that octopus."

(Vivi)"Be careful, Marcus may have one of those Devil Fruit abilities."

(Mawgona)"Don't worry, I'll be back in one piece, as well as with the Eternal Pose in hand."

(Meanwhile, in a distant island's restaurant.)

Electric Water Plant Mimic Iron

Qomorah Lom Ahvus Laniziik Dol

You would expect high class, fancy restaurants to be free of Pirate influence, but you'd be wrong to even consider it. The Gohma Pirates, as I have mentioned earlier, have a firm grip on certain pieces of land scattered around the entire world.

"Kriivat", this is the name of the high-ranking team of 5 that Gohma uses for assassination missions, and other tasks that he doesn't want to do himself.

One of the members, a tall dark figure with a single eye, was walking back to his table from the washroom.

One of the members, a tall dark figure with a single eye, was walking back to his table from the washroom

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