Chapter 11: Escape

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The entire time the crew has been in Loguetown, Nami bought enough clothes for the population of a small village, and made two random Shadow Pirates, along with the trio, carry it all in a large, HUGE.

(Shadow Pirate)"Ugh, how can a bunch of clothes be so heavy!? It's like, 400 pounds!"

(Nami)"403 pounds, actually. I couldn't decide what I wanted, so I just bought it all!"

(Shadow Pirate)"You've got to be kidding me!"

(Nami)"...Hm? The air feels...different now?"

(Barry)"Huh? What do you mean, I can't feel anything."

(Nami)"I think there's a storm coming, better meet up with the others. I wonder if Mawgona found those three guys yet?"


Mawgona, Nix, and Bui Bui went to the plaza, where they planned to meet back up with the rest of the crew once they took care of everything they needed to do. Much like a horse, the red imp rode on the back of Chopper.

(Bui Bui)"Hey, I think it's gonna rain. The clouds have gotten dark."

(Nix)"I hate the rain, it's the only thing that keeps me using my ability. Plus, it gets my fuse wet, so I can use my last resort if necessary!"

(Mawgona)"I'm sure everyone will be here in a few minutes, don't worry."

A man wearing a brown and green uniform confronted Mawgona, but he didn't seem too confident about it.

(Policeman)"H-HEY! You're...D-Dark Doul, r-right?"

(Mawgona)"Yes, but it's Soul, not Doul."

(Policeman)"Wh-Whatever! You're a w-wanted man, so...I p-place you under arre-"

Suddenly, a women with a white cowboy hat whacked the man in the back of his head with a large club.

Suddenly, a women with a white cowboy hat whacked the man in the back of his head with a large club

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(Mawgona)"What the? Why did you do that?!"

(???)"I've been searching for you a long time, Mawgona! It's been awhile."

(Mawgona)"Do I know you from somewhere?"

(???)"Oh, don't tell me you forgot this pretty face?"

At this point, almost everyone in the area was amazed by her looks, even the other women considered changing their sexuality.

(Mawgona)"Wait a minute, I do remember a Pirate Captain who boasted about herself. I remember now, you're Alvida! But you look different from before."

(Alvida)"I'm so glad you've noticed! After our first meeting, I found the Slip-Slip Fruit. Nothing can ever harm my beautiful body ever again! But as you said, it got rid of those unsightly freckles!"

(Mawgona)"That's not the only thing it got rid of."

(Nix)"Nothing, eh? How about we test that theory!?"

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