Chapter 15: How He Lost His Mind

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(Yeah, of you haven't noticed, my guys are WAY more powerful than most opponents in the world as of now. Arlong's dead, and those two guys from Croc's group are permanently paralyzed, so you can guess what's gonna happen to the others.)

(Zant)"Huh, it's been nearly a week now, and nothing's really happened. Guess that All-Sunday was telling the truth."

(Mawgona)"Still, we shouldn't let our guard down. We have no idea what other characters may rome about."

(Nix)"I'm just gonna say this here and now, I think that gal's got the hots for you, Cap. Just saying."

(Mawgona)"And just what made you come to that conclusion?"

(Nix)"Didn't you see the look in her eyes? I've only seen that look when someone's into another person. Trust me, I'm an expert at reading people through eyes alone!"

(Mawgona)"But why should I care? For all we know, she's probably setting up a trap for us when we get to Alabasta."

(Nix)"Hey, maybe she'll turn out to be a double agent and might even join our side, won't surprise me if she does!"

(Pepin)"Well putting that aside, I was wondering about what happened back at Whiskey Peak. I remember hearing that curly haired guy talking about some Monster in the form of man, what was he talking about?"

(Mawgona)"Well, I tend to get...heated in such a large fight."

(Pepin)"That was a little more than heated, most of them were hurt really bad."

(Mawgona)"I...I don't really want to talk about this."

(Zant)"Something wrong, man? I never seen you act like that before."

(Mawgona)"I'm fine, I'll be in my room for a bit, please don't bother me, ok?"

He went downstairs in a hurry, leaving everyone else in confusion.



(Nix)"I know what he's gonna do in there..."

(Terry)"...You're sick, you got a sick mind."

(In Mawgona's Room)

(Mawgona)"What do I do now? If it starts to happen again, what am I supposed to say? Will they accept...THAT part about me? Will they...will they forgive you, Lokaal?"

(Many Years Ago)

Mawgona laid back in his little wooden boat gazing at the night sky, while trying to plan his new life as a Pirate.

(Mawgona)"Hm...well the first thing I think I'll need is a bigger ship, this thing can barely hold three people as it is. Then I'll need a few crew members with the skills needed to survive in that Grand Line place."

(Mawgona)"...I'm sure it'll be simple to find a few guys here, but I heard that this part of the world is a bit lacking. Well now that I've had some time alone, I wonder what's in this tiny chest?"

He opened the box, and to his surprise, there was no gold, no jewels, but a single fruit. It resembled a peach, but had a green stem, a purple hue, and little swirls all over. To satisfy his curiosity, he took a bit out if this "peach", but had a difficult time swallowing it due to its horrid taste.

(Mawgona)*Blegh!* "Must be rotten! It looks strange, almost like a work of art, but why would someone put a rotten piece of fruit in a chest anyway-"

Suddenly, he felt something in his body spike. It was like an adrenaline rush, but much more intense. His muscles grew slightly larger, and his hearing and vision seemed to increase. He could hear a seagull's call from miles away, and could see the exact details of a tall rock in the middle of the ocean.

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