C H A P T E R 1 7

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You know you've grown when you certainly see a change in yourself, a change in your choices, and not only do you notice, but people around you, your friends, your relatives. A change of good, A change of maturity, some times you need that time to grow, and that only will happen once you leave what was in the past and focus on yourself.

You tend to grow as a person every year, some times drastically when something hits you, or a little bit almost every year. You will find various people of different ages, and different level of maturity.

Your age doesn't always define your level of maturity, what I mean is, even a young person can be more mature then you in some aspects of their life versus yours, it's all about the experience that you gain, it;s all about the knowledge, and the hardship you go through.

It;s been a month and a half, since I have not seen Dr. Hamza. Probably the best thing to happen to me, of course from that previous incident I did see him, until that month ended. The neuro team had a project outside of the country, so they all fled off, and it's almost been 2 months without seeing him. I was really able to enjoy my ramadan this year, really focus on me, my religion, my spiritual needs.

Sometimes. You need that slap in the face.

I started my day off with the regular, walking this time not jogging because I was still hungry it was the final days of ramadan, the most important days.

The days where our lord is all merciful, all forgiving, he loves to forgive, he loves to accept prayers and wishes.

So, my heart is actually been quite content on that, which I am happy about.

It's such a cleansing month, and it reminded me of the type of life style i should be living as. Focusing on myself, on my deen, doing things for the sake of god, and being happy with myself.

"Hey, excuse me!" Some person called out, I turned around to see a young little boy. He was sweating, and was completely out of breath. "Could you help my sister, she's injured. Everyone's on their bike, no one really paid attention to me calling"

"of course!! please show me the way".

I follow this young kid, towards the bench area, where the cried of that girl got louder and louder as we approached. My eyes opened wide, as I saw her all bruised up, and her knee split open.

My heart sank seeing her cry, I quickly got my phone out and called 911, telling them all the details. Thankfully the station wasn't far it took the ambulance about 3 minutes to arrive, meanwhile I tried to stop the bleeding as much as I could with the so little I had, while asking the kid what had happened.

The paramedics quickly pulled over, "what do we have" one shouted rushing out with a gurney.

"6 years old girl, split open knee, and multiple bruises. Cause unknown" I explained back.

"What do you mean unknown" one of the guy paramedics asked.

"Her brother won't mention." I sighed, "I am a doctor though, we have to take her too peter brooke hospital, its the closes one here"

And so off we went with the kids. I sat in the amnbulance, scanning the kid that approached me. His face was mixed emotions.. he sort of smiled when meeting eye contact with the people, but when looking at her he seemed very worried, not worried where he is scared she won't survive, but a worriness of someone finding out something.

I purse my lips, squinting my eyes whilst I scanned him. Hoping that maybe - I don't know - I can find something?

"So kiddo, how did this actually happen, for the knee to be broken like that, it must've been a hard fall somewhere" the guys asked.

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