Chapter Three

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I take a deep breath, staring down at the small paper in my hand. In the other, my duffel.

Teen pregnancy support group. Come share your story. Every Saturday @noon & Wednesday @4.

I reread the location, knowing I'm at the right library. Over the past week Donna had been more than kind, and had bought me a hotel room for last night.

Unfortunately I had skipped this past week of school, too ashamed to show myself to my peers. But luckily, now with the weekend and this upcoming week will be off due to thanksgiving.

I finally got a shower and was able to do laundry, cleaning myself up and no longer felt like a dirty person. Especially with all the vomiting I had been doing.

She had dolled me up, telling me that I could meet life long friends and supporters, girls just like me.

My heart squeezes at the thought of other girls going through the same thing as I am.

I look down at my phone, surprised at the fact that it hasn't been shut off yet. I had texted my sister once, telling her I was alright. I received no response.

The support group was supposed to be starting now, seeing as it was noon, and I step through the large wooden doors into the public library.

I see few people around scouring for books, and a small woman behind the checkout desk. I approach, glancing all around for any signs of other pregnant teenagers.

The small woman looks up and gives me a warm smile.

"Hi, I was wondering if the support group was here?" I ask and her smile widens and she points towards the back of the room.

"Straight to the back, the door next to the restroom hallway. They're all in there," she says and I give her a quick thank you before almost running to the back.

I'm dressed in a pair of leggings and a polka dot long sleeve sweater. I have a crochet scarf wrapped around my neck and a polka dot beanie on to match.

My snow boots seem to have left a small trail of melting ice as I walk through, reminding me that it's getting close to the holidays.

Thanksgiving and Christmas. Without a family.

And I know I can't stay in Donna's employee office for the rest of my life.

I finally reach the door and push it open, to be welcomed to a room with chairs in a circle, girls my age filling every single one and an older woman in the seat farthest from the door.

The chatter that had been happening comes to a halt as all heads turn towards me.

I give an awkward wave, glancing around for an open chair.

"Perfect, we were just about to get started, grab a seat love," the woman says and points to the far wall. I see chairs stacked and quickly grab one, inching in between two girls near the wall.

Once I'm seated, I look around at the small group.

The girl on my right has bright blonde hair and is huge, blown up like a balloon with how large her stomach is. Is that how I'm going to get?

I glance to my left and a girl with dark chocolate skin sits beside me, large brown curls spilling down her back, a small bump displayed on her stomach.

Besides me and the two girls, there's only four others in the circle. Not including the older woman hosting this.

"I was thinking we could start with names, how it's happened and how you got to be here now," the older woman says with a small smile.

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