Day 3 - Gaming

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     Emil the couch at Leon's house. Emil watched as Leon looked through his many Wii games. Leon invited him over to his place to play some classic Wii. Emil leaned back into the couch when he heard Leon pipe up.

     "Found it!" Leon looked over his shoulder at Emil. He held up a CD case. It read 'Mario Kart Wii'.

     "Doesn't that game destroy friendships?"

     "Or you could look at it as a test of friendship."

     "That sounds...worse."

     "Fine, destroyer of friendships it is," Leon said as he sat down down next to Emil after placing the disk in the console.

      They game started in favor of Leon. Emil ended up holding down the button to go too early and it gave Leon a better start. Emil kept his eyes glued to his side of the screen. He kept hitting every mystery box in hope of getting something good and catching up to Leon. His effort was futile. Leon kept this cocky grin before taking his eyes of the screen to focus more on Emil.

      "Aw, are you struggling?" Leon asked with a mischievous tone. He heard Emil growl in response.

      "Shut up!" Emil exclaimed as he shoved into Leon, trying to make him mess up so he can get a good advantage. Leon simply turned back to the game and kept his lead.

      Leon ended up finishing second while Emil had been in sixth, almost consistently for the second half of the game.

      "Hey Emil, wanna make this more interesting?"

      "How could this already intense and friendship destroying game get more interesting?"

      "If I stay in a place higher then you for the next two maps, you go a date with me, but if you are a higher place then me for the next two maps, I'll do something you want, deal?"

      Emil nodded in agreement to the deal. The next map started and thankfully Emil did not make the same mistake again. Leon still had the upper hand though, he was placed farther ahead. Emil got closer to Leon, who ended up making it to first place right before his second lap. Then Emil got it. That bullet Bill power up. Emil smirked and used the power up, passing Leon and getting an amazing space between them.

      "You beat me!" Leon exclaimed as he stared at the screen that told that Emil had gotten first place that round, while he was in second.

      "Well, this is the last round. Who ever wins this, wins the deal," Emil said smirking.

       The round started and Emil was ahead. He started pushing and shoving Leon. Leon was almost immune to this though as he's played with the Asia family before and was used to the rough housing.

       Half way through the round, Emil had Leon pushed up against the arm rest of the couch. Leon kept trying to look over his shoulder to see the screen but would just hit Emil's head since Emil stayed pressed onto Leon's back. Leon tried shoving back Emil but Emil was stronger then he looked and he stayed pressed against the arm rest for the rest of the game.

       The entire game Emil and Leon would go back and forth. Emil would be in the lead and then Leon would cut him at a sharp turn because Emil would never drift. In the end, it didn't matter. Emil won.

       "Well, good job Emil," Leon said looking over at Emil. He noticed Emil looked suddenly bashful, which confused him.

       "So...about that date?"

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