Day 17 - Spooning

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"Emiiiillll," Leon whined from the couch. "Spoon with meeee."

Emil walked out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Emil laid on the couch next to Leon. Leon wrapped his arms around Emil's waist and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"I'm guessing you wanted to be big spoon?" Emil asked, he felt Leon nod.

Leon started to pepper the side of Emil's face in kisses causing Emil to blush lightly. Emil turned in his arms to face him.

"I wanna be the big spoon now."

"But it's only been a minute, at most."

"I don't care."

Leon turned around so his back was facing Emil. Emil's wrapped his arms around Leon's torso as he started butterfly kissing the back if Leon's neck. Leon relaxed in Emil's arms and Emil smiled knowing he did well.

"Emil, you're going to put me to sleep," Leon said suppressing a yawn.

"That was the point. I wanted you to fall asleep when I was big spoon," Emil said, holding Leon close to him.

"Well it's working," Leon said, his voice drifting off at the end. It wasn't long before Emil felt Leon's breathing slow down meaning he was asleep.

"I love you Leon," Emil said, kissing Leon's cheek before laying down to sleep himself.

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