Day 28 - Doing something ridiculous

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"Emmmmiiiiiiiilllll," Leon whined, running around the house trying to find Emil.

"Whaaaaat," Emil said, poking his head into the hall.

"We should recreate vines!"


"You heard me! Come on, it'll be fun," Leon said grabbing Emil's arm.

"Fine, I didn't have anything better to do anyway."

Just for shits and giggles, the two decided to record them too. They chose from really iconic ones so they would be very easy for people to recognize. They decided to make props really shitty too. They were mostly just really badly drawn and colored, really it looked as if a five year old made them.

Emil grabbed an empty soda can and when he saw Leon start recording he attempted to drink from it before looking down at it. "This bitch empty, YEET!" And then he threw it at their wall. Leon and Emil found this ridiculous, probably because they were by themselves and had nothing better to do.

Leon quickly handed his phone to Emil and then taped a poorly drawn "ROAD WORK AHEAD" sign on the wall. When Emil started recording Leon pointed to it and said "Road work ahead, uh yeah, I sure hope it does!"

That one was pretty stupid but then Emil grabbed the paper plate with a poorly drawn croissant on it and he handed the phone of to Leon, who rounded the corner in the hallway. Leon then started to count down from 3.


When he reached 1, he started recording. Emil walked towards where Leon is but when Leon rounded the corner and screamed, Emil threw the plate at him and screamed. "I could've dropped my croissant!"

The two burst out laughing, yeah it was completely stupid but this was just the kind of fun you should want to have with people. Emil didn't plan on hurting Leon and knew it wouldn't since it was only a paper plate.

"That was stupid but I loved it and am keeping it," Leon said once he stopped laughing. "What do you think, wanna do one more?"

"I have the perfect one," Emil said with a small smile. "The one you sent me the day I visited you and we held hands."

"Getting nostalgic?" Leon said with a small smirk.

"Oh shut up and let's do it." Emil said, standing next to Leon and holding his hand.

Leon turned the camera to face the two of them and then his record. He looked at Emil. "I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing."

"But'cha didn't," Emil finished, his tone light and sweet, uncharacteristically. He pecked Leon's lips as Leon stopped recording. It was gonna sound super stupid but that vine reminded Emil of the beginning of how they really started. The day they held hands throughout Hong Kong.

"Wanna post these?" Leon asked as they walked to the couch and sat down.

"Sure, let's share our stupidity with the world," Emil said somewhat sarcastically while laying his head on Leon's shoulder.

"But that's what the internet is for."

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