Day 10 - With animal ears

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     Emil stirred. Leon had stayed at his house last night and they were cuddling but something felt off. Emil moved Leon's arms gently and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was trying to pin point where the weird feeling were coming from. He reached up to try and fix his hair but he touch something...weird. He looked over at the mirror in the corner of his room and that's when he saw them

     Cat ears, Emil had cat ears and a tail to match. His ears and tail matched his hair color. He reached up to touch the ears again, they were soft yet they weren't exactly fluffy, the same with that tail. He groaned to himself before flopping back into bed. He would deal with this later, a nap sounded nice.

      Emil woke up to someone touching his head. It felt nice and he felt himself leaning into the touch. He opened his eyes and looked up to be met with Leon smiling down at him, he was petting him.

      "Good afternoon Emil," Leon said softly.


      "Yeah, you slept until the afternoon, you lazy kitty," Leon said with a teasing tone.

      "Don't call me that Leon."

      "And why is that?" Leon asked, scratching one of Emil's ears. Emil resisted the urge to purr, which he didn't understand how he could do but wouldn't question that for right now.

       "It's stupid.."

       "Nah, it fits right now." Leon pulled Emil closer to him. Emil gave up fighting and leaned into the pets, rubbing his head all around Leon's hand.

       "You are adorable..."

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