Day 4 - On a Date

304 10 7

     "Wait, wait, wait. Leon stop rambling! What do you mean we are going to Disney?!" Emil exclaimed into his phone while standing in the middle of his room.

     "Well I have a Disney park here, do I not?" Emil rolled his eyes at the comment.

     "Isn't that a little extreme for a first date? Disney is not cheap." Emil heard Leon start laughing at his concern on the other end.

     "Emil, we are nations. Don't be so concerned over that. Besides, this'll be fun. So can we please go?"

      "Fine," Emil gave in and went over to his laptop to start looking at the weather in Hong Kong that week. They had agreed to go November 9, it would be in the 60's (around 15 degrees Celsius) that day.

      "Why is your place so warm during this time?"

      "I'm closer to the equator than you. But I'll see you in a few days, alright?"

      "Yeah, see ya." 

      November 9th came quickly. They day before Emil had stayed at Leon's house so they could head to the park when it opened. Leon held a childlike excitement and Emil couldn't help but smile softly at it.

      When they got in, Emil grabbed a map because he didn't trust just blindly walking around. Leon grabbed Emil's free hand and started dragging him down main street.

      "Where should we go first?" Emil asked while trying to open the map with one hand.

       "I say we head towards Tomorrow land and go on Hyperspace Mountain first."

       "Starting off with roller coasters?"


       "Shut up Leon. I'm just saying since it's early." Emil watched Leon roll his eyes.

       "Better reason as to why we should do it first, before the line get's long." Emil sighed in defeat and allowed Leon to lead the way. As they were walking Emil finally realized that him and Leon were holding hands, with their fingers intertwined. How did he not notice before? He felt his face heating up.

       The two walked off the ride with Leon laughing.

       "Dude, there were handle bars to hold onto!" Leon said a little louder than expected but he was laughing so it just happened.

       "Shut up," Emil said lowly, still red. During the ride instead of holding onto the handle bars, he ended up squeezing Leon's hand the entire time and Leon found it hilarious.

       "Okay okay, you can choose where we head off too. We can knock out all the rides in Tomorrow land before heading to Fantasy land. It's a slow day so we should be able to hit almost everything. And don't worry, the rides left in this area are tamer," Leon said, reassuring Emil at the end.

       They ended up finishing all the rides in Tomorrow land before heading off in the direction of Fantasy Land. Emil was listening to Leon ramble about the Iron Man experience ride.

       "So pretty much that ride is a replica of the Star Tours rides at the other parks. They really didn't do much to hide it in this park, especially with the que where they showed you what the outside of the vehicle looked like. Have you ever been to the Disney parks in other parts of the world?" 

       "No, this is the first one I've been to. I'm guessing you have." Emil watched as Leon nodded.

       "Yeah, I wanted to see what the other one's looked like when I was told we were going to build one here. Here we have the classic rides like every other park but we also have our fair share of things. Like Hyperspace Mountain is just space mountain everywhere else. Though the one in France is crazy. Not like the one in Florida. I can't remember if California had one or not. But what still surprises me is that Yao got wrapped into it too."

      "Wait, remind me everyone who has a Disney park?"

      "So there's the two in America. California and Florida. Then there's the one in Paris, France. Then you have the one in Japan, I heard some people say it's the best park but I don't know. Then there's mine, and three years ago one opened in Shanghai. I think Yao's is the most different from everyone else's though," Leon said and then stopped to face Emil. "And we are here at the infamous Tea cups. Wanna see how fast we can spin it?"

      "Hell yes," Emil said and for once, he was dragging Leon.

       The two stumbled off the ride dizzy and laughing. They ended up spinning it surprisingly fast with there only being two of them. Emil would laugh any time he'd hear Leon scream 'Weewoo' which just so happened to be every five seconds. 

       Leon threw an arm around Emil to balance them both out. They made their way over to a bench to chill out and calm down.

       "Okay okay, we need to do small world. It is a serious classic," Leon said when he finally calmed down and had some water for his throat after screaming and laughing the whole time on that ride.

        "That song will get stuck in your head and I don't need you singing it all day."

        "I think you're just scared it'll get stuck in your head," Leon said leaning into the bench with a small smirk.

        "Fine, we'll go."

        "Yes! I'll buy you ice cream afterwards. There's an ice cream place outside the exit."

         After the ride, they were both humming that stupid song, but hey, they got ice cream anyway and it was all good. As they ate their ice cream they walked through Fantasy land and decided on what to do once they finished.

         "I just realized we went on the same type of ride twice," Emil said as they walked off the dumbo ride which had the same exact mechanics as Orbitron back in Tomorrow land.

         "Be thankful I don't have an Aladdin's Magic carpet ride. America's disney in Florida has three rides in the same park with the same mechanic!"

          "Tell me you're joking."

          "Nope," Leon said, popping the 'P' at the end. Emil just rolled his eyes. Three of the same rides but just different appearance? Now that just seemed to over do it.

          "Okay, I think I figured it out," Leon started once they had gotten off RC Racer in Toy story land. It was around 2 pm at this time. Emil was gripping Leon's hand, just like he had been on the ride. "You don't like the free fall feel of the thrill rides."

          This was true. Any time a ride would have the free fall feeling, Emil would result to squeezing Leon's hand for comfort. It was cute in Leon's eyes but embarrassing in Emil's.

          "Don't worry about it Emil, it's okay. Now come on, the day isn't over just yet," Leon said once he saw Emil's embarrassed expression. Leon intertwined their fingers and had them proceed on wards.


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