Day 21 - Cooking/Baking

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     "Wait wait wait, let me get this straight. You have pepper cookies?" Leon asked looking up from Emil's phone which held a recipe for pepper cookies.

     Emil had suggested they just stay in and bake today. Emil was laying out the ingredients along the counter.

     "Butter, white sugar, light corn syrup, small eggs, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, ground ginger and ground black pepper," Emil muttered to himself as he looked over all his ingredients. He then turned to Leon. "Ready to start?"

     "Yeah, let's do this."

      Thankfully they worked together without creating a mess. They were able to do everything smoothly and they got delicious cookies from it. Emil and Leon sat on the couch cuddling, the plate of cookies on the coffee table and two glasses of milk.

     "Okay, I did doubt that these could be good." Leon said as he took a bite of his cookie.

     "That's why you pay attention to the ingredients, not just the name."

     "You make a fair point. I enjoyed baking with you today. Maybe next time we can make something Chinese?"

     "Sure, we can do that next time."

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