The game starts now...

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Chief was now in a complete confusion. He believed that Soul may save the city, but he can't let a teenage boy, who is unknown by his face, handle the fate of the whole city. 

As a police officer, it was his duty to arrest him. That was the only way, to save the lives of the people. When he looked at the city cameras, he could easily notice the silence. The silence of fear... It made him feel more uneasy, it forced him to think. What should he do? Should he arrest him? Or fight together with him? Would it be right if they simply surrendered? What should he do?

"Chief..." Soul called him. He was astonished by his sudden call. "What are you planning to do?"

He asked the same question....the same difficult question. Chief couldn't answer him. His brain was saying something, but his heart was saying something else.

"Well..." He started in his natural dark voice. "...when I am in such a situation when I have take a difficult choice, do you know what I always do?"

"Umm... Let me guess. You would try to figure out what will be the most profitable choice for the present and for the future, right?"

"Certainly." He said in his downhead position, listening to the words of our foe. "But I don't think it is going to be of any help to you."

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"It doesn't matters.... Do what seems right to your soul. No one in the world can blame you for that." He said. "Independent of this limited Mortal world...the ultimate truth of a mankind, lies deep inside his soul."

Chief remained silent for a while. He had an idea, that would be great for both his mind and his heart, and would soothe down his soul for a while.

"Look, I seriously want to help you, but I'm gonna leave for now. As a police officer, I would try to find you and arrest you. But you can try to evade us."

"That's a good one." Soul said. "Only if you don't mess with him directly."

"Yeah, I understand, but we would've to face him later. What then?"

"The lives of your cops is important too. We don't want more officers dying. But still if you have to face him. Take this."
He said as he rushed his head up, pointing towards a small bottle of green-colored fluid.

"What's this?" He asked.

"That's an antidote." Prof. Prabhas said as he came from behind. "As you asked, I have prepared a good bunch of them. That's one of the things which all the test subjects were vulnerable to. Inject one of those and he will faint.... For a while."

"And what are the other things?" Chief asked.

"Mirror." He answered. "But we don't know if it works really. On paper, all of the test subjects were unable to use their powers in front of a mirror. If they try, they would hurt themselves. Fortunately, this one is vulnerable to it."

"How is Professor alive till now?" Martin asked him, revealing his presence.

"The antidote... He must have injected it in his body. It was made in such a way that if it is introduced to a normal human, t would make him immune to the abilities of the test subject, but by stopping their senses for ever."

"I didn't get it." Chief said. "Stopping their senses?"

"Yup." Prabhas said gravely. "By turning the body blind and deaf."

"What!" Both of them exclaimed.

"Yes..." Prof. said. "It will also make an immunity shield, due to which any test subject could not touch its skin. Shadow kills people by intimidating them. He matches their frequency, and send a stunning brain wave, which would make them crazy, in such a way that they would kill themselves, in any method he asks them to. If the person is blind, then he cannot be intimidated."

"It is also the reason behind mirror being his weakness." Martin said.

"However, the real reason is that he was to be used as a hostage, that's why he didn't killed him already." Soul said.

"He knows that Soul and the second murderer, they are the only ones who may prove to be a big problem for him. He has asked us to chase our Shadow, that means to find someone hidden in our shade." Martin said. "He may be referring to the second murderer. If r found him and submitted Soul and the second murderer, he may kill both of them, removing every obstacle from his path."

"And if we didn't do that, he will cause chaos over the city." Prof. added.

"So this all is a game of hide and seek." Chief said. "We have to hide from both of our opponents otherwise we may die, meanwhile we have to eliminate them somehow. The same time goes for both of them."

"I think you are right." Martin said.

"But I still have a question." Chief said. "The clues we have... Don't they Prof that the second murderer is... Laura? Hey, no offense to anyone."

Soul didn't responded, his head was dropped again. Chief called his name again, but he was as still as before. Not a single movement, not a single expressions. Currently tried to shake him up, but as he raised his hand, Martin caught his hand.

"Don't touch him." He said warning him with his eyes. "He has got something big."

Soul rose his head suddenly, startling everyone else.

"Chief!" He explained as his golden eyes sparkled with light, hiding something big inside. "You wanted to help right?"

"Uh... Yes." He said.

"Then leave immediately from the back gate." He said. "Professor, go back to the lab."


"Do as I say, we might end things before the next twenty four hours." He said.

"And what should I do?" Martin asked him as he knew that his plan must hold something for him.

"What can you do for me, Martin?" He asked, facing him directly. His golden eyes were  terrifying, especially when he was facing towards someone.

"Anything." He said.

"Even if it risks your life?" He asked. Martin got it. The boy was for something mischievous.

"Yes." He said. Soul paused for a moment, then he said.

"If Laura had to kill us, she would've done sooner. If she is the killer, then She needs my help for something.... So do I." He said facing Martin. When he talked like that, without any single change of expression... He frightened Martin a lot.

"So Martin...." He continued.


".....I want you to die."

Soul - The Shadow of FearWhere stories live. Discover now