Towards New York

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"V573?" K asked. "Is this really important for you?"

"It is Master, and I think you should have a look at it." Shadow said, looking directly into K's eyes. K had a highly advanced and developed brain, with most of its potential power under his control (if we leave the code barrier thing). His brain was adapted for this level of intensity of brain waves, that's why he was not much affected.

He opened the message in the phone, but as he read it, he was shocked. It referred him by his real name.... it referred him as Justice Smith.

"Justice Smith,

I know your true identity, and your true intentions. Since I don't want to do it the hard way, I would like to have a deal with you. I would be waiting for you at the top of the United Nations building, at 4 o'clock today, don't make me wait.


"Shadow." He said. "The plan is changed, the United Nations building will not be blasted by you, and that's my order.....I am not sue who she is, but I will have to talk with this girl as soon as possible."

Shadow was amazed to see that K wasn't angry on the tone of the writer. Shadow had expected him to say 'who dares to talk to me like that'. But the more amusing thing was, that he had figured out that this person was a girl?

"Forgive my ignorance Master, but I didn't get how you deduced that this person is a girl. I would be really grateful if you-"

"The person has written his name because he wants the reader to know its name. If you turn the words upside down, and form their mirror image, then you get the name 'ELSA' which is of course, a girl's name, in the most possible case." He answered fastly and rudely like  all this was very obvious. 

"Are there any special instructions for me Master?" Shadow asked.

"No special instructions, I will handle the case myself." K said. "Just don't change anything, until I give direct orders." 

"Today..." He continued. "The World will witness its new ruler.....and I don't want any thing going wrong."

"Right master." He said. "Master, I have another question."

"What?" He asked, now a little annoyed with his questions.

"What would you do if Soul managed to do something to win?" He asked, but immediately felt that he had asked the wrong question at the wrong time. Fortunately, K didn't took it the wrong way.

"He won't..." He said. "He knows the truth himself, he just wants time, so he gave me the challenge. He would keep his word."

"The fire of my ambitions is not something which can be extinguished just by the opposing winds of hate. It would just make it more stronger." He said. "And if someone tries to become an obstacle in my path to justice, it would burn them." 

With that, he turned to face the rising sun of New York, its rays getting scattered by the great United Nations Headquarters.  

Alex was having a strange temptation to shoot the police cars chasing him, but that would make tings difficult for the FBI to handle. His senior officer had told him while assigning him the job, not to make any violence until it is very necessary. But unfortunately, the police wasn't told that. So they started firing.

He tried to dodge their line of sight by using the empty streets of London for his advantage, but that wasn't working much. The police knew the place better than he did. He was saved by almost a meter once. He had no option left, so he he decided to initiate the final plan. 

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