The Final Gambit - 2

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Speak of the devil and the devil appears. As soon as she said his name, a white hand with numerous scars and long claws, came from somewhere and slashed Martin's right side of the face. Blood soon began trickling on the earth as he began to stand again on his feet. Martin was prepared to face another attack, but there was someone better engaged in a fight with him.

Heart blocked his next attack before he could slash the other side of his face.

"Martin!" She yelled. "Why are you still here? GO!"

Of course Martin didn't want to leave someone fighting alone like this, but it was perfectly rational to go for the tower right now. Plus, he knew this fact first-handed – Fighting Heart and hoping to win was a big foolishness. There was no better time for this. He ran towards the tower focus with full speed.

K was confined in a chamber of Polaroid glass. There was green color gas filled in it, which was slightly translucent. Psyche was sitting here because K had called her a moment ago, but it seemed like there was some problem. Suddenly, she sensed someone coming towards her. Maybe Soul has managed to make a way to come at the roof from the gallery situated just below them, just like he had prepared this chamber for K (That was a mistake on K's part, he shouldn't have announced his next target.), after all, he would need someone to arrest them.

"Who are you?" Martin asked her.

"Psyche." She said in a calm but audible voice.

"Why are you here?"

"I won't tell you." She said without even glancing at him once. "Until you tell me what is going on here?"

"I could have told you, but I am bound to not to do so." He said. "I am also bound to protect anyone who is in danger because of the events which are going right now."

"How is it dangerous for me?" She asked.

"This chamber is filled with a special antidote which is present here in gaseous form. Though it would not have much effect on its target, it is supposed to shut down his brain for a while. But if it is introduced to the body of a normal person, it will make them blind and deaf and also unable to speak. That is why I ask you to cooperate with me and get out of here." He said.

"So the person inside is the target..." She said. "In this state, his brain if stimulated in a specific manner would lose all of its potential in thirty seconds. That means the aim of this setup is to drop down his potential to zero. But in this case, there is only one kind of stimulus for that..." She said. "Looking at you, it is obvious that you have figured it out...the code for the barrier. Since there is only one person who can do that kind of setup, and you are not him, we can say that you are working for him and you are going to say the code and end this chapter once and for all, right?"

When she finished, Martin was already aiming at her with his revolver.

"You are not someone normal." He said. "You know a lot about him and you are also here without any harm, so you are one of his accomplices who have just arrived at this place, perhaps because he called you."

"Correct." She said. "I don't think that you know the details of the plan, otherwise you would have shot me already. Anyways, the whole of this experiment has no chances of success without the antidote and the Polaroid glass. I am sure that you are also ignorant about the fact that without these conditions, even if the right stimulus is provided, it will work opposite and would take him to the maximum potential as intended to do initially. I was just waiting for some sort of confirmation..."

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Martin asked anxiously as Psyche stood up and approached the glass walls. "Stop immediately or I will shoot."

"You can try to do so." She said. Martin took the stance and pulled the trigger and was about to shoot, just when he was stopped by someone from far away.

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