Chapter 9

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"Still no announcement." I grumbled

"Chill lisa, they haven't even released the rankings yet." We're currently looking at our school's bulletin, but it's still blank

"I doubt it'll make a difference. I just want them to confirm about it." I'm impatient.

"Confident I won't take first place, manoban?" Jennie raised a brow at me.

"I doubt you will, kim." I smirked.

"For all we know, we actually outranked you." Jennie and I snickered.

"Did you just snicker, come on rosé Let's show them who's boss." Chaeyoung gasped and quickly looked around.

"Yah, don't call me that here." Jisoo was confused for a sec then remembered.

"Oops. Forgot about that." She chuckled, scratching her head

"You even forgot such a simple thing, how can you outrank us?" I taunted. There's a glint in her eyes and if it weren't for the first bell, her mischievousness would have shown.

"You're saved by the bell." We laughed at our childishness and hurried to homeroom.

"Alright, is everyone here?" Our homeroom teacher asked but we didn't bother to look around. The door opened and in came the black sheep of the class. I raised a brow at their grungy appearance.

Buzz started among our classmates, probably making up stories of how the boys ended up looking that way. There's a bruise in yoongi's mouth and v's eye.

"Quiet down!" Our homeroom slammed her book on the table.

"You four, at the guidance office, now!" They sighed and went to the guidamce office as told, but not before glaring towards our classmates who shut up after meeting their gaze.

"Who dare hurt my kitty?" Jisoo seems to have not gotten over min yoongi.

"I can't believe one of them is ranked first." My head snapped to our teacher.

"Excuse me?" It was jennie who voiced out.

"Anyway. Ranking results will be posted later in the afternoon and an important announcement will be made tomorrow so don't be late!" Jennie and I looked at each other. I clearly heard our teacher say one of the four boys placed first.

"I heard it right didn't I?" I asked as soon as our teacher got out.

"Looks like you guys aren't first place after all." I glared at chaeyoung.

"My mom's gonna kill me!" I groaned.

"Should we plan our funeral?" It seems like we're exaggerating but words that flies feom our parents mouth is equal to a stab. I doubt you'd be alive if you've been stabbed multiple times where it hurts most.

"Give them the negative news first, then the good news." Jisoo suggested.

"I hope it'll work. Every parents outside wish their children could go to the prestigious school afterall."

"You guys are kims and parks, why arent you there?" I asked my friends and they laughed.

"As if having the same surname is good enough. We might be relatives, but it might be supeeer distant that it's not considered anymore." The teacher for our first subject came in and we all settled down. I need to be active in class participation to pull up my graded this early. Jennie thought the same.

"You both hogged all the answers." Jisoo pointed

"Chaeyoung and you have been competing with us too." Jennie argued

I moved to sit on the chair, only to have my butt planted on the floor. Laughter erupted at the crowded cafeteria.

"Your chair was on the way." Yeonwoo looked at me unapologetically.

"Gee, why don't you take all the chairs away cause it's in the way, being aligned perfectly and all. Oh wait, it isn't in the way! Only stupid people can't seem to differentiate." Jisoo nonchalantly said as she helped me up

"Uh, Excuse me?!" Nancy screeched.

"Why? Are you going through the tables now?" Chaeyoung sarcastically replied.

"What?!" Her fist curled

"Chaeng, stupid people can't understand smart people humor." She raised her hand to slap me but a hand gripped her wrist.

"You're in the way." V said in low menacing voice that made everyone shut up and watch. It's true though, nance and her goons are the ones blocking the path.

He dropped her hand and she was pulled by her friends. The foursomes walked in the middle on the way to the cashier where everyone gave them way, letting them go first eventhough all they wanted to do was fall in line.

"We're not over nerds." Nancy glared and walked away, followed by her friends.

"Does she think she's Regina George or something?" Jennie muttered

"So, do they wear pink on Wednesdays?" We laughed at the references.

"Let's hurry and eat lunch. They'll post the rankings in a bit." We sat down and prepared for lunch.

"You're starting to tick jisoo, be careful." I whispered

"I'm getting tired with this whole charade." She rolled her eyes.

"It's our last year, we'll be free once we graduate." Chaeyoung assured her

"Will we though? Cause if not, I'd rather have it my way." We didn't answer. We were the only ones who decided on that afterall.

"We promised." We looked up to jennie and jisoo sighed.

"As long as no one will get physical on us, or my kitty in front of me. I can guarantee my cooperation." We silently ate our food, knowing no one really dared to lay a hand on us. Tripping us, spilling juice, or doing that thing earlier isn't really considered as one.

"Oh my gosh." We stared at the result in awe.

1. Taehyung & Jennie
2. Lisa
3. Yoongi & Jisoo
4. Rosé
5. Chanyeol
6. Kai

"Huh, my kitty is smart." Jisoo grinned broadly.

"You ok lisa?" My eye twitched. I breathed in and out.

"Never been better." I smiled.

"Wanna club later?" I whispered as we turned towards our classroom, and they laughed.

"Gladly." Atleast that's one thing to look forward to.

"You won't tell them the results are out?" I shook my head.

"Not until I'm sure about the academy, you know, to caution the blow." I can't lie. They check facts. The journalism people could use people like them

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