Chapter 34

882 49 4

Dedicated to: myyyxxxi, kimberlybarraca

A/N: It's been three months since I last updated this so I'm really sorry but thank you for the support


"What's the game play?" Airsoft has different types. Commonly used is the Team Death Match (TDM) which consists of having two teams and simple play. First to eliminate the other group wins.

"Squad." Squad Death Match is similar to TDM but with 3-4 more teams and each gets to have 2-4 players.

"Wait, so not everyone's joining?" I asked and yeri nodded.

"For this game, each school will have a representative, you can all join but in your case since we ban you, only your boys are joining. The other girls from your class didn't want to join too. Last team standing wins. Ours have me, seulgi, yeri and wendy. The girls are saying it's a guy's sport. Puhlease." Seulgi rolled her eyes.

"No fair I couldn't come!" Joy whined.

"You can play next time." I pouted. I wanted to play too!

"We'll watch your boys' back, don't worry." I sighed, nothing I can do about it.

"You girls will take all the attention being the only females." Chaeyoung commented and Irene scoffed

"We already are. They're not taking us seriously cause we're girls." The girls of Triumvirate are also not participating.

"Yeah. They are even making fun of us. I heard they'll let us off cause they doubt we can even hit someone as if it's so hard to aim a gun. I'll show them." Seulgi snapped.

"Yah! You're not supposed to be skilled. So miss some." I reprimanded her

"That could be a good strategy." She nods to herself

"Act like a fool then bam! We win." She smirks. I shook my head.

"Please don't kill our boys." Chaeyoung is really worried about her baby giant.

"Fine. Guess we'll have to let them kill us." I shook my head.

"They know what you're capable of. They might chose be killed by you, unless someone else kills them."

"We'll see. Do you have your earrings?" We all nodded and showed our ears. It's no ordinary earring. We can communicate through it to let them know what happens on the screen.

"You can't tell us the enemy's location alright? Just tell us where your boys are so we can help them." Like we planned, those who are not joining will monitor what's going on inside the game via live streaming.

"We're counting on you. Look out for my lil meow meow." Jisoo pleads.

"Yeah, I'm worried for sungjae. I don't why he bothers joining when I don't think he can even properly hold a gun."

"I'm sure they'll be fine." I assured her but we witnessed how wrong we were on the game day.

The game's setting was all over the school. If you think what a small place for the game, you're wrong. Triumvirate Academy's school grounds was transformed to what it seems like a jungle overnight. Amazing really. I feel like we're in the hunger games.

"It's starting." Just like the girls said, they weren't taken seriously. Only taehyung and the rest who knew what we're really capable of are the ones being cautious.

"You're scared of those girls?" June snickered at jimin. "What can they even do?" He mocks

"Kill you all with a single bullet." Jimin mutters silently to himself and kyungsoo nudged him.

The first hour was boring to say the least but the girls are gaining fanboys with their get up. They look badass and sexy with a full gear on but you can tell they were girls. Their uniforms are different from the guys.

"Triumvirate's ten is on the move." Jisoo whispered. I furrowed my brows trying to see it but there it was. Jisoo really has sharp eyes. Irene looked over to the camera with a cute look.

In the span of five minutes, there are already guys that are dead and that consists of kyungsoo and sungjae. Jungkook and his friend's motives were out of the bag. They're planning to make them as the bait. Jerks. They were in one team!

We were waiting for kyungsoo and sungjae at the tent to take care of their wounds from the pallets.

"You ok?" Joy worriedly came to sungjae's aid and he smiled, nodding.

"Those jerks! You were a team!"

"It's ok. It was just a strategy." Tsk. The girls were right about them not thinking wrong of it.

"Bastard!" Joy and I snapped our head to jennie and ran to see what's going on.

"What happened to kai and yeol?"

"Irene! Kill that taeyong." Jennie seethed. Chaeyoung was furious too. Turns out that taeyong pointed at a chipmunk for fun and was going to shoot it, but yeol blocked it. Eventhough airsoft bullets can't kill humans, it can kill small animals! But what made jennie and chaeyoung furious was taeyong shot yeol again at a close range.  You're only supposed to yell Bang within three meters radius to avoid hurting someone and Kai called him out for it but the idiot also shot at Kai.

"With pleasure." Irene swiftly did as told and made it out to be an accident as she twirled and aimlessly shot her gun. Aimlessly my ass. She was able to shoot taeyong on his inner thigh making him grunt and fall to the floor. Heh. That part don't have protection.

Irene was suddenly pulled to the side and suho was shot instead of her. His teammates were the ones who tried to shoot Irene.

"Awee. Since you're already shielding me, let me borrow your body." Irene put down her rifle, hugged suho who froze and shot using hand guns, successfully killing Namjoon and Minho. The camera panned though and Mino and One were on the other side so waht Irene did wasn't seen but from the way she did, we knew what happened and who really put a bullet on those two.

"Seulgi." I hissed since she's the one nearest to taehyung who's being ganged up on by jungkook and his friends.

"On it." She nodded over to yeri and wendy. Taehyung and Yoongi were back to back as they were surrounded by Jungkook, June and Jinyoung. "Hey boys, Russian roulette?" It was too late when jungkook and his friends turned.

"Bang." Seulgi, Yeri and Wendy said at the same time. They didn't shoot cause of the close range as per rule but their guns are aimed at their heads and then lowered to their chest.

The game ended with Triumvirate's One and Mino as the last two standing, making the Triumvirate Academy take the win if the first activity. Taehyung apparantly isn't a sharp shooter and yoongi didn't even know how to load the gun. Aigoo those guys. I'm just happy he wasn't hurt.

✔ Reversed!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant