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A knock came on the door and tae took a peek inside. I smiled and scooted over, patting on the hospital bed. He carefully sat next to me and intertwined our hands as we sat there with our legs straight, leaning on the headboard.

"How's hanbin?" I asked, breaking the silence

"He's stable but he's still unconsious though. He lost a lot of blood." I nodded

"You? How are you?" I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Well... I yelled at my parents..." He chuckled

"I heard. The walls aren't that soundproof." I giggled.

"So we can't do it here huh? I could be really noisy." I laughed when he flicked my forehead

"Oww! Patient here." I whined.

"Oh really? You sound good enough to get discharged already." it was silent again for awhile then he continued, "I guess it's a good talk? with you and your parents?"

"Mhm. I scolded them good. Didn't they say something to you?" I rested my chin on his shoulder and looked at him.

"They just acknowledged my presence and smiling a bit."

"You didn't tell them anything?"

"I just told them no matter how much money the give me, I'm not going to break up with you." I laughed

"You watch way too much dramas. Oh wait, should I worry about your parents paying me?" He scoffed, "You saved their son like a knight and shining armour, be prepared cause they might be scheming our wedding already."

"Oooh so we're getting married can then you can do me already." he removed his shoulder making my head fall. "Hey!" I glared when he scooted away from me

"You almost died and that's still what you're thinking?" I rolled my eyes

"This," I pointed to my arm, "is far from getting me killed and yeah, I though I could have died and you haven't got a piece of me yet." I wiggled my brows and he chuckled, shaking his head.

Silence fell upon us again but I like it, it's comfortable and somehow the hospital smell compliments with it. It's calm and relaxing. We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company staring at nothing and only the silent hum of the air conditioner could be heard.

There was a knock on the door again and opened to reveal yoongi carrying jisoo on his back while she held on to her dextrose. A huge smile on her face.

"You look happy." I commented

"How can I not? My boyfriend just savagely made my parents shut up and let them see my worth." She replied giddily, giving yoongi butterfly kisses as he chuckled and put her down on the couch.

"How's jennie?"

"Still hot as ever." Jennie replied as she barged in with the rest.

"Yah, Are we even allowed to have this many in a room?" Jennie and Kai sat next to jisoo and yoongi while yeol sat on my bed and let chaeng sit on his lap the rest of the girls crowded my bed.

"It's a private room and you're not in critical condition sooo..." True. I just need to finish the dextrose they provided and then I can be discharged.

"So, how did your parents react?" Irene snickered and shook her head "I think I broke my mom."

"My dad loved it, he was so excited to reenact his favorite moves and my mom was not pleased." Seulgi laughed at the memory, "He said he'll go talk to her."

"Sungjae's still talking to my parents, they're very concerned about me being such a boy that no one would want to marry me but then he came in and charmed them." joy giggled

"Yeri had a heart-fluttering moment~" Wendy teased and yeri blushed

"Yah, it was not." She denies

"Why? what happened?"

"It's nothing! Jungkook just happened to hear what my parents had to say and defended me." she tried to say nonchalantly

"Yeah by saying she bdsfguirgf-" Yeri had already covered wendy's mouth and glared at her.

Tae and I looked at with a smile knowing everyone of us now free from the masks that held us and be who we really are. Some of our families still can't accept the fact bu it's ok caause we have prepared ourselves for it.

Luckily, after the exchange I had with my parents, they became wary of their words and actions but since old habits die hard, it was sort of hard to do but the difference is, I learned to say what I have in mind and they learned to listen. There are times when our opinions clash but they let me be and i sometimes listen to their wishes to. It's give and take.

The changes didn't only happen at home, but in school too. We have made good friends with nancy and her friends, students were not afraid to approach tae and his friends now too, and us girls? We're not being feared but looked upon with respect.


After dinner I went up to my room and changed my clothes, when it was time, I went back down to ask permission to my parents.

"Don't act like a hero if it's really dangerous and if the police can handle it, don't get knocked up, no baby until I graduate college, Be careful on the road. I know." Mom smiled and shook her head

"Bring me mangoes when you get home! your sibling is carving for it." I chuckled and nodded, waving bye to my parents and bending down to caress my mom's stomach. Yeah, it's a miracle, a menopausal baby! She even took a break from work cause it's really sensitive.

I got out of the house and a motorcycle stopped in front of me, but instead of my friends, my boyfriend sat there with his leather jacket on. I jogged and gave him a kiss and rode on his back, putting on my helmet. I hear a beep and looked back to see Jisoo with yoongi on her back, Kai rode with jennie and chaeng with yeol.

"Let's go save strays!" I laughed as we all head to our hide-out where two cities meet.


It's finally done after a long hiatus!
Thank you for those who waited and did not give up on this story.
I hope you're satisfied at how I ended this & I'm sorry if it didn't meet your expactations too.

🙇‍♀️ - c a r e t

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