Chapter 10

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"Can you stop climbing down or up the tree?" I sighed

"Can you stop popping out of nowhere?" I shot back. Didn't have to look to know who it is.

"I was here first." I glared at him.

"What happened to your face anyways? Who did you guys fight this time?" I crossed my arms over my chest. I looked out to the road and my girls aren't here yet.

"You talk as if we're the ones picking up fights. We just defend ourselves and poor helpless animals!" I cocked my hip to the side and put a hand on it.

"Can you atleast learn how to fight before you save helpless animals from stupid people?" He pouted.

He mumbled, "We don't like violence."

"Awee so you don't like me?" I said in a sickly sweet voice.

"What?" His brows furrowed in confusion as he walked towards me.

"You said, you don't like violence." He stopped when we had enough distance

"Violence is my middle name." I smirked but he just tilted his head.

"I thought it was maurer?" I looked up the sky to look for guidance. I have low tolerance for stupidity.

"How did you even take my place?" I huffed in annoyance.

"Take your place?" I glared at him

"Why do you keep on asking stupid questions?!" He put his hands on his pockets and shrugged

"I am genuinely confused and really don't know what you mean." I clicked my tongue and observed him.

"You took my place. I was supposed to be ranked first along with jennie." He nodded slowly.

"Cause I ask questions." Now it's my time to crease my brows from confusion.

"What?" I think I saw the corners of his lips tug up before he answered.

"You asked me how I took your place at the ranking. My answer is because I'm not afraid to ask questions even if people judge my intelligence by doing so." My eye twitched. I'm one of those people.

"Whatever, I'm going to reclaim my place anyway." I flipped my hair and walked towards the road when I heard a familiar roar of engines.

"Do you ways sneak at night?"

I looked back to him and answered. "Speak for yourself."

"I don't sneak. I ask permission that's why I have the keys to our front door." He took out the keys and dangled it so I can see.

"Lucky you." I rolled my eyes and walked away, seeing the girls park and waving at me.

"Who was that? He looks familiar." Jennie squinted her eyes to get a better look at teahyung. They didn't know he was my neighbor.

"My nosey neighbor." I told them to hurry before he actually decides to show himself.

"You're not telling us something."

"What would I not tell you?" Feigning innocence.

"We'll know about it." Jisoo smirked. She really won't let something go once she sets her mind on it.

"Can't we just hurry? I want to have fun already" they laughed and zoomed to our go-to club.

The place was already packed when we got there, it's no surprise considering it's already late. The guard already knows us so he let us in immediately and we went to the VIP section, we prefer it there since it's less crowded. Enough space to move without pressing to anyone's body.

"Supriseee bitch!" I squealed and ran to hug seulgi. The rest of the gang was here.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Jisoo told us what happened so we thought we could comfort you." I was touched and happy they're here.

"Thank you but don't worry, It won't be long for me to get back on the top." They laughed and wendy handed me a drink.

"To triumvirate" irened proposed a toast.

"To triumvirate!" We cheered and clinked our glasses and we danced the night away.

We were having fun when yeri smirked, letting out a set of cards.

"Ugh. Dare game? I thought we'd have a chill night for once." We giggled at rosé.

"There's no such thing chaeng. Now lisa, our woman of the night, pick a card." I chuckled and downed my drink before grabbing a card.

They all stared expectantly at me and I rolled my eyes, flipping the card over, jennie and joy squealed with delight.

"We'll pick the guy!" They scanned the crowd for the guy I'll grin at. Damn them.

"Yah! Make sure it's not someone old enough to be a sugar daddy!" They shuddered, knowing all to well, based in experience.

"Ugh. Don't remind me." Rosé faked vomit.

"There!" Joy and jennie pointed to a guy dancing along with his friends and a few girls with them. He's wearing a suit and a few buttons open at the top.

"Oooh. He handsome. I can dance to that if you don't want to." I laughed at chaeng.

"Maybe after me, you may." The music changed and I smirked while the girls hooted, taking the attention of everyone.

"This is your sooong lisa!" I laughed as I danced to swalla.

The music bounced around the room and my girls surrounded me as I danced to the song. O caught the guy staring so I winked in his direction and motioned him to come over.

His friends hooted and the girl he was with stomped her foot in annoyance as danced his way over to me. I smiled in victory as he went behind me and placed his hands on my hips as I swayed to the song. He's really handsome uplcose alright. But not my type

"Say, wanna go out of here?" Oh, the overused line.

"Do you?" I leaned back to whisper on his ear. With my back still facing himn my arms reached back to his nape, sliding down to his chest as I grinded on him. I felt his manhood hardened and I gave the signal to my girls.

The girls pulled some boys and danced with them, let them enjoy and when it was hard to see because of the light sequence, we slipped out like we were never there.

We laughed as we hurried to our vehicles and went home before the guys caught up to us.

Afterall the card says go hard and go home.

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