Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to -clionn, psychopomp2019, Anzeelah & Multiiifandom_


"This won't do. Lisa, jisoo, chaeyoung and joy, you guys stay here. Oh, and jennie too." Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Kai is just a fling. I won't go overprotective on him." We all looked at her in disbelief.

"You accidentally tripped krystal." Jisoo leaned back and used her hand as support on the bed.

"So? It was an accident." Jennie shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"You accidentally pulled her hair." I deadpanned

"There was a mosquito!" She crossed her arms

"You almost charged at her when you saw her flirting with kai." She groaned and protested with all of her body

"It's so boring here! The game is an excuse to put those enemies in place." She whined and I agree with her

"But we can't go incognito with the cameras all over the area." Yeri said a matter of factly.

"Or maybe we can." Seulgi smirked

"It's all cool and all but your boys will be accused of cheating."

"I say our first tactic to play by the book is brilliant." Jisoo nodded stood up and put a her hands on her hips.

"Yeah except you're most likely the first one to go berserk." Wendy snorted.

"I do not!" She strongly denied.

"Yes you are." We chorused

"I bet lisa will be the first to break." I raised my brow.

"Me? My patience is unrivaled." Joy snickered.

"How about we make a bet? The first one to break shall shoulder our expenses on the first month of our clubhouse cause well, we'll most likely be kicked out in our homes right after." I crossed my arms.

"I don't think my parents can let go of me. I mean I'm the only child."

"Same here. They might send me to a military school to straighten up the attitude." Jennie huffed in annoyance.

"Ugh. If it's not me nor jennie for the first one to break, the loser shall be in charge in breaking us out to wherever hell we'll be sent to." They chuckled.

"I'm serious."

"Well, we can do that." Maybe we can, but deep inside we're still afraid of being disowned by our families cause if we didn't really care, we've bared our fangs a long time ago.

"So what's the verdict?"

"Alright we'll stay but promis us to do your thing for us." Seulgi rolled her eyes.

"Of course."

"It's not fair you guys can kick ass." Joy grumbled

"Not really. We won't really show our skills for everyone to see."

"Why are we hiding anyway? Don't the government owe our group a lot?" We casually play games and all but we also straighten street wars ang gangs of sort. Mafia? There's no such thing here. That's sort of the darker part and we don't plan going there. We're not thugs.

"Yeah but we're still dubbed as rebels." True. Our group was known on both sides of the city but we're still treated as vigilantes eventhough we're totally not that. It just so happens that if we come across a crime and we can handle it, why not help?

It's not like we jump to every crime we see. Not everything on your sight is what it seems.

Like for example, one time we walked across a two guys beating up one person and we helped that person but turns out he was the one who attacked the one guy, trying to rob him, then a friend saw and came to help beat the robber.

We learned our lesson not to jump up to any fights if we're not sure we're needed.

"Remember to keep an eye on those jerks." I reminded them

"Isn't that like the reason why we're joining in the first place?" Yeri rolled her eyes.

"And I doubt your boys can't really handle themselves. They can fight well."

"Yeah but they don't like violence so if those guys are really going to gang up on them one by one, they won't think anything about it and will just shrug it off as their strategy." I remember what teahyung said.

"And their reflex is kind of slow. I jokingly punched yeol once, it wasn't even that hard and he ended up on the ground." Chaeyoung deadpanned.

"Just goes to show that even though he's big and tall it won't matter if he has no skill." She sighed and jisoo snorted

"At least they can actually hit. My lil meow meow's coordination in combat worrisome. He looks scary alright but not really he looks cute and fluffy." We all glared at her.

"Anyway, he looks tough for others eyes for some reason but he can't hit accurately to save his life." At least taehyung can.

"Let's just hope they at least know how to play airsoft then, the first game doesn't really need close combat so it's all good." Wendy assured us.

"I hope so. Who knows what dirtu tricks those guys have under their sleeves."

"You'll closely monitor them anyway so if they do, they should prepare themselves for the next activity." The first activity is yet to start, now we're thinking what the next one could be and how the first one will go.

"It's just the first activity anyway. I doubt they'll do anything. They might observe how they move first." Just like what we'll do. The remaining ones not joining will be closely monitoring not only jungkook's group but the other opponents as well.

"Don't let your guards down to Triumvirate's ten though. I heard they're a mischievous group and plays together really well. Don't let their good looks fool you." Irene reminded us.

We were silent then, the activities will begin and it means our secret will most likely show if not careful enough.

It would've been easier if we don't have anyone to protect. It was alright not to join and avoid being known but then, this happens. Secrets are bound to be known and this is life's way of saying damn right.

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