Chapter 38

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When I woke up, tae wasn't beside me anymore and I hear suppressed cries. I sat up and listen to where it's coming from and it's from above me.

For a second, I was scared to look up cause I might see something I shouldn't and didn't wanna see but I had to be brave. I sighed in relief when no scary face popped up or I would've made the damn ghost double dead.

I carefully stood up and frowned to see jisoo's shaking shoulder. Her back facing me as she was hunched over. I slowly climbed up the bunk and rubbed her back.

"Chu..." She sat up and hugged me tight.

"Hey.. what happened?" The other girls must've woken up cause the next thing I knew, I was shielding my eyes from the sudden bright light that illuminated the room.

"Why is jisoo crying?" Irene mumbled, stifling a yawn and joy took off her eye mask and frowned at the sight. We all climbed down but jisoo stuck to me liike a koala as she tried to stop her tears.

We let her cry for a bit to compose herself. We hear our secret knock and the others came in. We don't know wwhat happened but I have a feeling it could affect tae and me.

"Hey chu.. what happened?" she sniffed and wiped her tears but as soon as she opens her mouth to tell us, fresh tears comes racing down her cheeks as she sob. We all looked at each other worriedly. Jisoo rarely cries infront of us. Let alone this full blown wailing.

"M-my me-ow m-meow..." She hiccups

"H-he said w-we should cool off!" Wendy scratched her head and asked in wonder, "Is there still such a thing?"

"I knoow!" Jisoo cried out.

"There's only a relationship and a break up. There's no in between." I smacked Seulgi for her insensitive remark and she covered her mouth but it was too late. She said what she said and jisoo sobbed some more.

"Why did your parents say that about yoongi though?" Chaeyoung carefully askedd and jisoo blew her nose and we handed her more tissue while Irene grabbed some water for her.

"They just judged him based on his appearance and the rumors they've heard about him!" I chewed on my bottom lips knowing my parents aren't far off from jisoo's.

"He said we're not over. He said we can't be over just like that but..." We all listened and let her take her time

"But he said we can't continue this for now. He says we need to be apart for a while until he can show my parents that he's worth for me." Jennie furrowed her brows "Why do you need to cool it off?"

"To make sure he can keep his hands to himself. He says if he wants to prove himself, and it's definitely not by getting me knocked up." We all nodded in understanding

"He assured you he'll come back to you and it's for both of you, why are you crying like her really broke up with you?"

"Because! We barely even got to be together and now I can't even be with him even in secret? It hurts! and those girls are also eyeing him! Since we're techniccally not together but we are, and kind of not," what now? "-do I still have the right to br jealous? Even so, After I get jealous, there's no yoongi that will comfort me!

"I'm sure he won't do anything to upset you. He's going to do his best to let your parents see he's not who they think he is right? Cheer up, at leaast you still get to see him and be sure he's yours." She pouted and sniffed

"But I'm even missing him now!" My heart goes out for her, I don't know since when I started to lean on tae but, I don't see myself without him by my side anymore.

"Ok, everyone! Let's go back to bed, we only have an hour left til our alarm rings." Irene says, clapping her hands

"I think I'll call in sick."

"We'll handle it for you." She smiled and we all went back to our beds.


Yoongi came to class but his eyes were red, obviously from crying. He kept glancing on jisoo's chair and when our eyes meet, he averts his gaze. Tae gives me a small smile when no one's lookig and I smile back.

Jisoo came back the next day but they both acted as if they were merely just strangers and jisoo cries to her sleep but through taehyung and the boys giving updates on yoongi to her, she's starting to cry less and less.

Something changed. Not only with yoongi but with the rest of their friends too and my stomach is churning. They're removing their mask! They are slowly showing their real selves.

The second assessment came along with the second periodical exams and the boys aced their tests and showed the people how they really are. The second activity allowed everyone to know they're not actually bad as they thought they were.

"What's wrong this time?" I nudged jisoo who turned silent as we watched the activity unfold. Like before, we stayed out of it. This time, none from our friends participated after being told off by their parents.

"He's proving himself alright... but I can't help but ask myself.. am I worth him? His family might see me as an exemplary student but I'm far from tthat." We all fell silent. I can't help but ask myself too.

They're showing how any parents would be proud having them as their daughter's boyfriends by showing their true selves, but the question now is, are we girlfriend material? If we show our true selves, their parents might have something to say. I mean, our own parents would probably disown us, how can someone else's like us be good for their good natured sons?

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