Chapter 42

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I tossed and turned but I couldn't sleep. I had trouble sleeping last night too, my heart felt heavy with the fight I had with tae and I thought we'd be ok already but then we just ended up fighting again.

I just want him to look at my perspective. Perspective huh? Why is he so keen on me opening up to my parents? cause he is filial. As someone who has a close relationship with his parents, he must not like to be one of the reasons why I'm disobedient to mine.

I sighed and sat up, eventhough I hate to admit, I did have a mistake by putting my anger on him when he's just trying to console me and let me see the brighter picture. I got up and quietly walked out just as he did.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time. He chuckled and held out his hand, "Want to go for a walk?" I smiled and intertwined his hands with mine.

We walked hand in hand towards our usual spot near the abandoned building, letting the silence of the night engulf us. I was just really keeping quiet cause I'm afraid it might lead to another stupid argument.

"I'm sorry I took it out on you." I quietly say as we took a sit.

"I did try to tell them but I was always ignored or was told differently so I stopped opening up to them and live the life they want me to but then I met these girls who accepted me and loved me when my mask broke. They showed me their real selves too and I was relieved to know I'm not a freak, that there are others who may have diffenrent situations but feel the same way. And then there's you." I looked at him and smiled

"I became conscious of my behavior thinking it might not be favorable seeing my parents reacting to the image you wore, not knowing their daughter can make your bad guy image crawl and hide."

"You're not that bad." I smirked and he pouted mumbling,"I can be bad ass too."

"You literally go and cry in a corner when you hear the rumors about you."

"They were mean!" I chuckled hearing his whine

"And I can make them cry." he scoffs playfully but then turned serious.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I was just sad that you chose to keep it to yourself when you could have confided with them. I know it is hard, but by the end of the day, they are your parents and they only want what's best for you, but if you don't like it, you have to tell them. I can be there with you if I have to." I sighed and nodded

"Ok. I'll talk to them after the graduation ceremony." He smiled and gave me hug

"I missed you." I smiled and hugged him back just as tight. "I missed you too."

"You still don't now what course to take?" He asked after a while, his head on my lap.

"No. I was so used to have my parents tell me wat to do that I even had no time to think what I like. i haven't really found it."

"So you're going to take a break?" I shook my head

"That's no good. If I still haven't decided by then maybe I'll just take what they want me to cause if not, I'll be left behind."

"By who? If you're not ready or if you don't know what you want yet, it's ok to take a rest and figure out what you wanna take. It's not a race."

"I don't know. I just get really anxious thinking about being left behind by my peers. I don't want for my friends to already have stable jobs while I still don't know what to do myself and still studying."

"Babe, you're not literally going to stop, you're just going to find yourself, realizing your dreams later doesn't make you less successful. You're only a failure if you stop trying."

"You going to be a motivational speaker or what?" I teased and he chuckled sitting up and inched closer to me

"In front of a crowd? No thank you, I might stutter and end up trying to convince myself."

"Kidding aside. I get what you mean. But, for me, I just don't wanna waste time. Given that I don't really know what I want yet, maybe I can take up a course that I think is interesting for me at least so my mind would be fresh with information until I decide what I want to do and if I realize it in the middle, I can always shift my course. How about you? What course are you going to take? Veterenary?" I wiggled my brows

"That's nice but I'm not really good with medical stuff, I want to become a cinematorgapher" My brows shot up in surprise

"I want to give life to a director's vision." I grinned, he looks happy as he told me about his dream.

"I didn't know that. Do you have any works you can show me?" He looked at me with a small smile and showed me his phone

"The plot was witten by hanbin, played by kyungsoo, sungjae and suho while chanyeol directed. Yoongi was in charge of the back ground music and the rest of us became my crew." I laughed and felt warm at the short video that they made. It's cute and maybe you can guess what it's about. It's about helping stray animals.

"Wow. You guys are good." No bias. It's really good. The video showed the three protagonist being mean to each other, fighting but worked together as a team in saving the stray dog they witnessed being abused and that's how the friendship started with advocacy to hel strays and adopt rather than buying.

"We still have a long way to go." He mumbles shyly. What a humble dork.

"And I'll be there to support you." We sat there and continued to talk until we have to go back in cause the sun is almost up.

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