Chapter 39

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I gave it some thought. I've thought long and hard, and I've come up with the best decision.

It won't be easy. Just thinking about it makes me want to bawl my eyes out but it has to be done. I was selfish.

I didn't want our relationship to be known because I wasn't allowed to have one and now my parents think Tae's a troublemaker and think badly of him when the truth is, they're the ones who should be ashamed of my behavior. I'm the one not worth introducing to parents.

I gathered myself before I called to meet taehyung to our usual spot. I paced back and forth as I wait for him. My stomach is churning. I don't think I can do this face to face.

Before I can think of heading back and just do it over the phone, tae showed up with his big boxy smile that I adore so much. I feel like there's a lump on my throat.

"It's been so long since we went here to have a date. Just us two." He grinned, coming towards me and I backed away til I hit the bench and sat down.

"Tae..." I can't do this. But I have to!

"Hmmm?" He sat next to me and smiled. Why is he always smiling. Can't he read the atmosphere?

I took a shaky breath and started, "You know I love you right?" His brows creased but nodded

"You know how much you mean to me... right?" He didn't say anything and just nodded slowly. Probably trying to figure out where I'm going with this.

"And you know I won't do anything that could hurt you..." i looked up and blinked away the tears.

"But I don't think we should do this anymore. Let's break up." I held my breath after saying it.



Let's break up." I just nodded at her then did a double take.

"W-what?" I stuttered. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. She avoided my gaze and looked down at her clasped fingers.

"I'm breaking up with you tae." I just stared at her. Trying to read what's on her mind. I know somethings been bothering her cause she's often staring off at a distance in a daze lately but I was too scared to ask incase she could see something I don't. I don't mix well with supernatural beings.

"Just because yoongi and jisoo is taking a break, doesn't we also have to." Ever since yoongi and jisoo cooled off, the rest of us also made adjustments in meeting our girllfriends to be considerate with the two and even they're not really over, over. But I'm with yoongi, I know lisa's parents might not view me in a good light with the rumors surrounding me, let alone want me for their daughter

"It's not that!" She yelled, then repeated in a small voice, "It's not that..."

"Then give me a reason why I should let you go?" How can she speak about breaking up with me with her looking like that? Her lips are trembling and her pretty doe-like eyes are glossy with unshed tears. She looks so adorable, I want to pinch her but that's not the right time to do that.

She heaved a deep breath and I waited silentlty for her to explain. "I just realize that I'm..." she choked back her tears, "not good for you."

"Pray tell, what is good for me?" I crossed my arms and tilted my head at her.

"The fake me! Someone obedient, who doesn't lie to her parents, someone worth introducing to your parents as your girlfriend!" I held her hand and caressed it.

"Then what is good for you?" I whispered and she froze, caught off guard with my question.

"Someone obedient, who doesn't lie to his parents? someone worth introducing to your parents as your boyfriend? I don't know about you, but that sounds like me. I wasn't the last part 'til recently because of the image I showed, but I worked on it." I grinned and she sniffed

"Yah! If you really want to break up with me, then don't cry before you can even do so like I'm the breaking up with you!" I wiped her tears and pulled her for a hug.

"You're not straying me to a bad path even with how badass you are. You're not making me fail my grades, instead, you made me work harder for it cause of your competetiveness. You support my advocacy to save stray animals. You and your frieds may be rebels but what you're doing is for the greater good of the city. I don't know what you mean by you're not good for me cause that's definitely good in my book and my parents too." I looked down at her and she was struggling to stop herself from crying.

"Anyone would be proud to have you as their girlfriend but not everyone's me. I'm the lucky guy." I grinned and she just stared at me. A few seconds later, she sobbed and climbed on my lap, making me chuckle.

"Hush now, someone might hear us and they might think I did something bad to you." I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"H-how were you so c-calm?!" She sniffs, wiping away her tears as she looked up to me.

"Because, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be together. You said so yourself, you love me and that's all it took for me to know I'll never let you go because I, love you more." She grabbed my face and crashed her lips on mine making me smile.

I was scared. I thought she wanted to break up cause she found someone better, or cause she don't love me anymore but no, she tried to break up with me cause she thought badly of herself but she didn't know, whether she may be the good example lisa, or the badass lisa, I don't care. As long as she's My Lisa.

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