I'm a demon and this is my Neko husband

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Bucky was grocery shopping. Tony was at home. Out of the blue, a small child comes up to Bucky and asks to see his arm. After Bucky shows him (slightly reluctantly) he asks if he can have it.

"No, sorry, I need this to be able to do stuff that you can do, like write and stuff."
"Okay." The kid says, bouncing off again.

Bucky, thinking that's the end of it, continues to shop.

"Let my son have you arm, you obviously don't need it."
Bucky turns to see a woman with the same child next to her.
"Sorry, ma'am, but I can't do that. It's made of a special material and it-"
"I don't care. Give me and my son your arm!"
"Ma'am I need this arm, it's a prosthetic. I-"
"Oh my god, shut up! You're giving me a headache with your whining. Now, you hear my son, he wants your arm. Give it the fuck over to my angel."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, I can't do that."
"Fine. I'm getting security."

The mother and child walk off, Bucky just kind of shrugs, not caring that much.

Soon, they come back with security. "That was the man that was harassing me and my son."
"Is this true?"
"No, sir, she wanted my prosthetic arm. When I didn't give it to her, she started screaming at me."
"That's not true!"

"Thank you for your service." The security man says, looking at the arm.
Bucky nods.

When the woman is being pulled away from Bucky, she pulls off the arm and throws it at her son. "RUN WITH IT!"
The child does as he is told and picks up the arm, running.
It doesn't take long for Bucky to catch up with him.

"Do you want to press charges?"
"No, I've had enough fighting in my life." Bucky smiles grimly.

After the woman is gone, the man turns to Bucky again. "If it's not too much trouble... what war did you fight in?"
"Eh, World War Two."
"Man, you don't look a day over 30."
"Yeah, well I was frozen in Cryostasis for a bunch of years."
"I feel like I know you from somewhere, what's your name, by the way?"
"Bucky Barnes."
"Oh, that's where I know you from. Steve Rogers' friend, right?"
"We kind of had a bit of a fall out recently, we don't talk much anymore."
"Oh okay, have a good day."
"You too."


"Hi!" Tony says, cheerfully when Bucky comes back.
"Hey, you won't believe what just happened to me."
"Hi, I'm Tony Stark and I'm a demon. This is my Neko husband Bucky. Yep, sure I won't." Tony says, sarcastically.
"Shut it, you." Bucky laughs.

Tony smiles and Bucky explains everything that went down. They were both laughing about it and smiling. Tony gives Bucky a small kiss on the cheek. Bucky hugs him and soon they put away the groceries together, smiling and laughing about random things.

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